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  1. Sweets

    2003 Young Writers Showcase

    ohhh a girl from my school got into that. She did a critical response on Buffy and 2 other things...i read the Buffy bit, it was great. Its soo funny my current ext1 teacher was her teacher and she's always going on about her!
  2. Sweets

    Casual Clothes Day Restrictions

    Well thats a big statement saying ur worse then me cause i suck pretty bad :p
  3. Sweets

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    I watched it awhile ago and while i thought it was good in the fact that it is put together so evocatively..i also think at times sweeping statements were made and it wasnt really anything new. The one thing i really didnt like was the way he took advantage of the womens personal grief for...
  4. Sweets

    Australian Idol 2004

    Last weeks group was crap with the exception of pisses me off that all these much better ppl in the 1st group missed out because that group had real depth and now suck up Amali 'please please please let me through so i can show every1 tassy is more then incest' and psycho boy (who i...
  5. Sweets

    Casual Clothes Day Restrictions

    Oh im lucky we get to wear whatever we want everyday..well as long as its green, grey, black or white and isnt like totally inappropriate. It rocks!! I remember i did Yoga last yr and if u actually can suck at Yoga, i did like majorly :uhhuh:
  6. Sweets

    Improving my handwriting

    I have exactly the samething with my starts out alright but then gets worse and worse. For my exams recently i switched to running writing and it majorly helped in english, i rote like booklets and my hand wasnt hurting and it was legible!! So i think u just have to try what works...
  7. Sweets

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    thorrnydevil- i think your completely missing the point. What any logical person could see that the Iraqi ppl resent the u read the papers???. I think it is much to simplistic to say oh look at the great americans- demorcratic and all freeing the Iraqi' much freedom is...
  8. Sweets

    Any all 90s students

    omg i went totally craptastic on mine but i didn't like study or stress about it. So current yr10 really dont worry because the 11 courses are completely different. Heres what i got his-93 geo-89 english-81 (and thats like my best subject, so it shows the sc is not the be all and end...
  9. Sweets

    Yearly exams

    Kulazzi- yeh were still finishing prelim, got some assessments to go for some subjects but its just good to have the exams over. I think most schools have their exams later but our schools lazy and cant be bothered setting up the hall twice, so they just make us do ours at the sametime as...
  10. Sweets

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    Well see it can be argued that something good has come out of the war, as the regime of Saddam has been toppled but when it comes to the war being justified that doesn't cut it. And also while you could say they are better off under the rule of the americans (understandably), i don't agree...
  11. Sweets

    Yearly exams

    Has any1 had their yearly exams yet?? Mine just finished yesterday. If you have how did you find them? My tips to every1 who hasn't had theirs yet, totally listen to what your teachers indicate will be in it!!! because generally they give heaps of hints. I'm probably going get them back...
  12. Sweets

    Is the war in Iraq justified?

    I think it has clearly emerged nothing good has come out of this war. Its just emerged as yet another tale of the 'Vulcans' taking advantage of the people gain for their own purposes. Personally it just amazes me how people can still think the war was a good thing. It was built on lies and...
  13. Sweets

    i am addicted to current affairs

    Tony on lateline is the best!!, he rocks!! and that li li chin woman on sbs...gosh she's funny, she rox my sox!
  14. Sweets

    Extension courses for year 12? And what are you dropping?

    Ok..i must be the only person that didnt mind Australian history :eek: although i had the funniest teacher... I'm dropping bio, its sooo boring and picking up ext2 english
  15. Sweets

    Help urgently!!!(English Advanced)

    How about...If you can't change your mind then why have one? (too long maybe??? and im not sure about rhetorical questions in the heading, i think its more a opening line..ok i better stop talking to myself now)
  16. Sweets

    10 Units or more for Year 12? What are you doing?

    I'm doing 12 just incase i hate ext2 and i cant do my major work cause i freak but hopefully i wont and i can drop maths :p
  17. Sweets

    Do you take prelim seriously

    I take prelim seriously but not THAT seriously either, just seriously enough to cram my way through yearlys!!