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  1. jlh

    internal trasnfer

    oh crap so i have to do a full time course load in first semester!!!! :( i was hoping to combine my usyd degree with my macq degree and do part time for first semester at both uni's...then trasnfer at macq in second semester!! hmm.. what to do...
  2. jlh

    lectures, pracs and tutorials

    at usyd your allowed to record lectures. i don't see why they would not allow you to. whats the big deal anyways, you are paying for your education so whats a little recording to better your education gonna do... anyways, i use to record lectures, but then i never ended up listening to...
  3. jlh

    Anyone Get In?

    oh and yes you can do psychology under an arts degree. i think in 2002 the top psychology student was a b. arts student. and there is around 1500 people doing psych, well there were last year, from all sorts of degrees. only around 50 of those are actually b. psychology students. so you get...
  4. jlh

    USYD Login

    uh you should of got a login regardless of which campus you are going to... in the stacks of paper you filled out on enrolment, i think its on the bottom of the last page. that is also the page where the rip off your student card from!!
  5. jlh

    CompSci and IT

    oh and IT seems to be much more highly regarded in australia, but its different in the US where comp sci is much more highly regarded over there.
  6. jlh

    CompSci and IT

    IT is more of a management and leadership position, whereas comp sci isn't.
  7. jlh

    internal trasnfer

    i was wondering if i'm allowed to trasnfer after first semester only having done a part time course load (6 credit points). i was looking to trasnfer to b. commerce or b. economics. i'm enrolled into BIT and for first semester i plan to do math130 and comp115 part time then hopefully if i...
  8. jlh

    question about transferring

    actually i don't think both deans will allow you to combine psych and commerce. psych is a really demanding course thats why they don't have any combined psych degrees. i'd say do a science/commerce degree so that way you can major in psych, and so your honours in it. i would do psych with...
  9. jlh

    i want to...

    yeah according to the handbook you should be able to trasnfer after your first semester. i think you need a gpa of 2.5.
  10. jlh

    Order of Lectures/Tutes

    it actually doesn't matter if your tute is scheduled before the lecture or whatever. your tutor will work something out so that you don't miss anything.
  11. jlh

    A subject q for those already at Uni...

    actually at usyd you are allowed to do 32credit points per semester, 24 credit points being the usual course load!! if you want to go over the 32, you are only allowed if you get permission from the dean.
  12. jlh

    Bachelor of Economics

    no problems!!
  13. jlh

    A subject q for those already at Uni...

    yeah its manageable. but i don't think you are allowed more than the normal course load in your very first semester!! i'm planning on doing more than the usual course load in every semester that way i can speed up my degree and my final year won't be as busy. i'd say do 5 subjects for the...
  14. jlh

    USYD Login

    uh thats also what the extro does. if you don't already have internet access at home, you can have usyd as your internet service provider and pay via yoru extro account!! i didn't mention it because you all seem to have internet access so it would of been irrelavant!! but what i said about...
  15. jlh

    Attention all new macquarie students

    you'll make friends easy because everyone is in the same situation as you, so don't stress about it!! so what exactly from the handbook don't you get and need help with?
  16. jlh

    Is it advisable to have Lectures immediately after each other?

    i use to have 9 hour days.. at it looks like if i go to macq i will have a another 9 hour day. i'd say you shoul dhave a few classes clumped together, say 3 or 4 hours, then a break. but try to have a mix of lectures and tutes cuz if its all lectures then your bound to fall asleep!! oh and...
  17. jlh

    Is it a good idea to join your University's Unions?

    student union's organise those rally's and you get discounts on food and stuff on campus. thats pretty much it. at most uni's its compulsory for yout o join them, but i think with the new hecs system, membership will be optional!!
  18. jlh

    do they ask for ID?

    nah they don't ID you for lectures. there is normally 100-500 people per lecture, it would take too long. and the lecturers' don't usually pick on people to answer questions, but it would be fun to see someone in that spot. hahaha!! just make sure you sit at the back if you do decide to...
  19. jlh

    double degrees at two uni's...

    yeah looks like i will have to go in and plead my case!! :(
  20. jlh

    Begin in Semester 2?

    2 months? i'm not sure on that but i don't think it runs for 2 months. it depends on the uni but most of them run for a few weeks to a month!!