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  1. jlh

    wat electives did u pick for commerce

    i would suggest you do 2nd year subjects. the first year subjects usually build the foundation for later years so. thats michelle branch...
  2. jlh

    for commerce accoutning how do u know wat subjects u have to do

    check this site out:
  3. jlh

    transfer issues

    wow really.. no wonder why usyd has overenrolments!! i wonder if i can try that.. LOL
  4. jlh

    Ghosts at UWS.

    you know what.. i heard uws parra has a haunted building.. uws parra used to be an insane asylum before it was a uni and some people died there or something...
  5. jlh

    new HECS system

    well it really depends on the uni. but chances are that our hecs contributions will increase except in some instances. ie. like macq has abolished all hecs fee from some of its advanced science units so studying in those units doesn't cost a thing.
  6. jlh

    UAI cut offs in MAIN and LATE ROUND

    your cutting it pretty thin there cakes.. but go for it. the difference between com lib and com is that com lib doesn't have the commerce core subjects and com lib goes for 4 years. com lib is very flxible and lets you have an arts/sceicen major as well as one in the commerce faculty.
  7. jlh

    wat electives did u pick for commerce

    yeah you can pick a subject thats 2000 level as long as it does not have any pre-req's.
  8. jlh

    Begin in Semester 2?

    thats the same at usyd majesty...
  9. jlh

    new HECS system

    oh i see.. thanks ms 12... crap.... so what am i to do now..
  10. jlh

    who is doing IT?

    oh yeah it is a pre-req.. opps my bad... so i guess all BIT/BCompSci/BEbus students will have to have an evening lecture and finish at 8pm on wed and thurs in semester 2 huh..
  11. jlh

    who is doing IT?

    yeah i went to accept my offer today and flicked the the timetables.. comp 115 and comp 125 clash.. thats pretty stupid since most computer students will be doing those two subjects. they offer 125 in 2nd semester but its in the evening!! :-( and everything in my timetable is spaced out...
  12. jlh

    double degrees at two uni's...

    hi i was wondering if usyd will allow me to take another degree at macq uni? i know macq uni allows me to double at a different uni but i'm not sure if usyd will? anyone know about this stuff? *looks at 2nd+ year students*
  13. jlh

    change of electives

    you won't be able to change it till after the 14th of feb, from memory. go to then click on current students and its the first link "log on to student administration services".
  14. jlh

    nanotech at usyd

    theres nanotech at usyd?
  15. jlh

    new HECS system

    are you sure about that? cuz i'm at usyd now and just finished my first year. i got an offer from macq. my dream course is to do combined business and info tech. and since i didn't get into it this year, i was hoping to trasnfer again next year. i got BIT at macq and macq's internal...
  16. jlh

    new HECS system

    i was just wondering if the new hecs system will affect me if i decide to trasnfer courses in 2005. or does it only affect those new uni students in 2005? any anyone help me out?
  17. jlh

    Begin in Semester 2?

    yeah i get what he is saying... you have no choice and your only option is to enrol into the second semester subejcts. and then in the next year, you would have to enrol in the first year first semester classes.. it kinda stuffs you up in your degree and your pre-req's... but thats the...
  18. jlh

    help pls..

    in the b. commerce you do 4 subjects per semester. which should equal to 48 credit points since each 1000level unit is worth 6.
  19. jlh

    USYD Login

    you can't use a word as your password and it must contain both letters and numbers. for those of you that have just enrolled, i suggest you wait a few days because they might have to activate your accounts.
  20. jlh

    Finance/IR and HRM/Marketing - which one(s)?

    oh, i thought you were thinking of double majoring in two of them.. sorry my bad!! i havent done any of those courses so i can't help you.. sorry!!