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  1. jlh

    2004 Cutoffs released

    well if the course has a pre-req or entry is based on another criteria, then a uai above the published cut off is not sufficient and the candidate will not recieve an offer!
  2. jlh

    Welcome to Usyd Business and Economics!!!

    you won't be lost. they teach you everything you need to know and start from scratch.
  3. jlh

    are you doing a language at uni?

    oh we're second year students. for later years, you don't have to go thru what first years go thru for enrolment. you can elect what subjects you want to do for second/third year via the web and PRE-enroll for the subjects you want to do so they can figure out the number of students continuing...
  4. jlh

    THE arts degree wot is it???

    i think arts gets bagged out because of the lack of direction and employment opportunities. say one person does a b. psychology and another does a b. arts with majors in psychology, the b. psychology student would have more recognition because of the name of the degree.. well thats just what...
  5. jlh

    are you doing a language at uni?

    i'm thinking of doing spanish, just have to change my pre-enrolment!
  6. jlh


    yeah most economics and commerce courses are only 12 hours. that is provided you don't pick any electives from engineering or the science faculty.
  7. jlh

    Main round cut-offs

    well i'm going to say that this is the real deal. if you go to the uac website and go to the course search section, there is a link saying you can now view the 2004 cut offs. i don't think uac will be so cruel and post a hoax copy of the cut offs. its just harsh and unprofessional!! :)...
  8. jlh

    2004 Cutoffs released

    wow congrats to everyone!! unlike you though, i'm a now second year uni student and trying to trasnfer so these cut offs don't mean anything to me.. it looks like i'm one of the unlucky few waiting till monday with the agony of uncertainty!! :(
  9. jlh

    B Bus and B Comp

    the cut off wasn't what we suspected. i wonder why. oh and its a good think too!! but it looks like all uts business courses took a hit, they all went down... hmmm...
  10. jlh

    THE arts degree wot is it???

    you can pick any subject from anywhere in the uni, provided that you have one arts major. so if you wanted, you can double major, something in arts, and another thing in science, eg. sociology and psychology.
  11. jlh

    2004 Cutoffs released

    is it me or does it look like some of the courses at uts didn't rise??
  12. jlh

    2004 Cutoffs released

    uh just to some to keep the faith, but usyd doesn't actually follow these cut offs, and actually offer spots do those who have gotten slightly lower than the published cut off's. so dont give up on hope.... wait till monday!! :) just a note for those to keep the faith!! :)
  13. jlh

    welcome to arts!!1

    the b. economics has professional recognition whereas the b. arts with a major in economics doesn't. and also, you don't have to do any b. economics core subjects (i think...). but i'm not sure if you can major in economics under an arts degree. i just flicked thru the arts handbook...
  14. jlh

    Finding Nemo! :D

    the seagulls do say "mine, mine, mine, mine..." turn on the english subtitles to see.
  15. jlh

    Burnt copies of CDs and going overseas

    a spindle is a stack of around 50 or so cds. i haven't actually brought over some cd's from overseas, but i hear of people just putting them in cd wallets. heres an idea, you could not lable or write on the cd's so they don't know what they are, and if they ask, just say they are family...
  16. jlh


    this website might be able to help you:
  17. jlh

    clothing at univeristy

    hahaha.. its so funny to hear all you first years' worrying about what to wear. LOL does it really matter what you wear? as long as you are comfortable and that you don't stink...oh and as a courtesy to others, please wash and TRY to change your clothes regularly. :p but seriously now...
  18. jlh

    first year students - recommendations

    oh and try to know your way around campus. theres nothing worse than being lost and trying to find your way and looking at those on campus maps. people can tell your first year. hahaha
  19. jlh

    Uni Boys

    i don't think there is a difference between the unis, and if there is, you can't tell the difference. its not like we wear certain types of 'outfits' acting as uniform. i for one don't care what i wear, its usually what i can find in the morning because i always sleep in. just curious...
  20. jlh

    Finding Nemo! :D

    its the best movie isn't it? i got the dvd around 2 months ago. i've watched it 3 times already.. call me sad but its a pretty good movie!! that ellen degenerous (sp?) is a crack up!