Search results

  1. jlh

    How many offers?

    yes you can get Y in the later rounds provided that there are vacancies in that course. you can get 2 offers in a round, 1 HECS and 1 FEE PAYING.. thats if you have any FEE PAYING preferences.
  2. jlh

    Internal Transfers???

    you normally have 8 subjects in first year, 4 in each semester!! but in later years, you will have less subjects because the higher level subjects will be worth more credit points!
  3. jlh

    2004 handbooks

    the handbooks cost around $12!! thats if you can be bothered standing in line for one!!
  4. jlh

    what do i do next???

    yeah it does suck having to go into uni to enroll. the long ques and the hot summer weather doesn't help either!!
  5. jlh

    2004 Cutoffs released

    FOR SOME.... being the key words!!
  6. jlh

    Full Fee- Your Joking

    well it looks like our tertiary education system is heading towards the US style. it will just be a matter of time now.
  7. jlh

    THE arts degree wot is it???

    point taken santa... yeah some people use the b. arts as a fall back option. i don't know of any arts students complaining about how hard their degree is.
  8. jlh

    what do i do next???

    maybe this site might be able to help you. is got everything you need to know...
  9. jlh

    what do i do next???

    your not doing anythign wrong. i went thru the same phase as you last year, but at least you have this forum and us to help you out. when you get your offer on monday, with it will be posted instructions on what to do next, a schedule of when and what to bring when you enroll. don't forget...
  10. jlh

    2004 Cutoffs released

    yeah i wonder what happened with uts. maybe they decided to have a larger intake from current school leavers than from non- recent school leavers....
  11. jlh


    your doing the BIT "..."?
  12. jlh

    2004 Enrolment Details (20th - 23rd Jan)

    uh you don't get to pick which day you want to enroll. you are told to. your doing journalism right ash? journalism is on tuesday in the arvo!
  13. jlh

    Science in 2004

    yep you can drop one of your degrees, provided that you have satisfied all the requirments for that degrees including the necessary credit points!!
  14. jlh

    2004 handbooks

    thanks melby!
  15. jlh


    i think to trasnfer to law you have to go thru uac again. i'm not quite sure, so youw ill have to double check. but yes they do take account your uai and your uni results, with more weighting placed on your uni results (well i would think)... to trasnfer into combined law, you are only...
  16. jlh

    Arts application up 22%=UAI up!

    it looks like entrance to uni's are getting very tough. i feel sorry for those in the later years.
  17. jlh

    THE arts degree wot is it???

    hahaha... ok izi i get your point.. but i don't think its fair for people to bag out arts students because they arn't required to do more work than those in other degrees. and don't forget, people choose what they want to do, so if they want to be 'lazy' then they'll go for an arts degree!
  18. jlh

    Full Fee- Your Joking

    well now this is where the new uni reforms will kick in. those who are really serious about tertiary education will be able to take out a loan to pay off the education!! and good luck to them if they do decide to!!
  19. jlh

    2004 Cutoffs released

  20. jlh

    2004 handbooks

    hey all you first year usyd'ers... you can download the 2004 handbooks from the usyd website: you will need to buy this for enrolment from the student centre, and if your enrolment is going to be anything like mine, i had to...