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  1. T

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread LOL i wish. Just realised i have less than 2 weeks til my first exam and havent started studying. lol whoops. y am i even at uni lol
  2. T

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread 2 and a half
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    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread i just wanna skip this and graduate already!!!1 wahhhh
  4. T

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread WELLLLL...... i dont know if these are stories but i need to rant somewhere and im so pissed off right now -_- for 2 reasons lol 1. I have this stupid online numeracy quiz to do and we need to get 34/37 to pass it and only 3 attempts. I did it ages ago and only got 32...
  5. T

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread i
  6. T

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread besides dsnt uni start by then
  7. T

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread umm excuse me thats independence day
  8. T

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread me either
  9. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    Nothing will beat those years and omgsh your collection!!!!.
  10. T

    my last exam is on the 19th

    my last exam is on the 19th
  11. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    oh yeahh
  12. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    armenia wasnt in it this year
  13. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    so basically you like it for the hat -.- which wasnt even that good anyway and i don't like it just because he's attractive i actually thought the song was good too yes, denmark wasn't as boring as spain (was anything?) but it was boring nonetheless
  14. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    Yes, Europe voted horribly this year. Denmark with the most boring song ever and garage set up or Norway with the good beat and hot guy with flexible hips? hmm
  15. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    you just guessed that? lol pretty good guess
  16. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    Norway was good, denmark was shit. but yeah Israel 2012 never forget :(
  17. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    yes lmao, sounds like hes saying it in turkish anyway im famous he reminds me of mrs doubtfire
  18. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    OMGSHH i remember this!!! sounds like they're saying my name sort of lmaoo ugh i love eurovision
  19. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    well I say he deserved it :) yeah i really dont understand the votes this year. Denmark was horrible tho. Can't believe norway came last though. Uk was alright, but its the uk they never get good for some reason so im not shocked. I can't believe that russia actually had a chance at winning...
  20. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    I'm just glad she didn't beat the record. Alexander deserved it atleast, whereas this song meh it was alright but not good enough to get the highest points ever