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  1. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    lol no need to get so personally offended
  2. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    quite boring :/
  3. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    lol well just incase someone who doesnt know comes on here lol i liked them last year actually but i dont get why they came back, also the only move they can seem to do is a fist pump but they are hilarious on stage with their screaming..."yeah" "woo" "jedward!!!" lmaooo
  4. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    what the hell mirakon, spoilers lol!!! yeah i thought they might aswell but im so glad they didnt lol and there was the obvious political voting but then some randomly gave to sweden aswell which was alright
  5. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    yep, someone else said that too. what do u think of the results?
  6. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    i watched it live lol
  7. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    oh well i was flipping through channels and landed on it halfway through it so i guess they didn't think about that huh did u see the winner mirakon yep, agreed. but there werent any stand out acts this year that were really good anyway...well none that made it to the finals anyway -.-
  8. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    how dumb is sbs news, they full reveal the winner and go into a report on it and then the girl says " and the eurovision finals will be on after the news :)" like wtf you just spoilt it for anyone who hadnt seen it why would they want to watch it now -.-
  9. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    ejfweahfbwebgfbweghbrwebywrb !!!!!! watching it live now :D
  10. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    i try to view it as objectively as possible. i can admit when it isnt good, like last year, but all other years its been good. im happy with this years, i like it though a lot of people dont
  11. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    baha, everyone? who is everyone lmao yeah i am but what do you mean, i havent even mentioned anything about turkeys entry or do u mean in generally viewing it i am biased?
  12. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    would i do that?! come on
  13. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    Yeah i think i will. Ahhhhhh so excited!!!!!!!!
  14. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    Its gonna be hard seeing as they are broadcasting it on turkish tv at 5 tmro morning. Should i stay up and watch ? Even if i dont my family will know and i will end up finding out somehow
  15. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    LOL, no i like israel, genuinely like it!
  16. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    Which one are you talking about? UK sounds nice, dont think itll place well though. Azerbaijans also looks decent. The rest nah oh except Germany. Sounds cute, the guy is sweet but will have to wait and see the full performances Also agreed! Pretty good eurovision this year, definately better...
  17. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    Ide remember, they all blurred into one but the only one i liked was the girl with flowers on her dress, the girl with festhers was alright. Sweden the "favourite" hmm idk it was alright. And yeah, has portugal ever submitted something good, its always the same sort of thing with them. And yeah...
  18. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    Eurovision Semi-Final 2 I am dissapoint. Power ballad after power ballad after power ballad...yawn. Norway was good, bulgaria, belarus, lithuania. I think that was about it that was good. Eurovision, y u not put Switzerland in semi final 2? Arghhh... anyway the interval act!!!!!! Perfection...
  19. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    i agree, but i dont just watch it to laugh at it
  20. T

    Eurovision 2012.

    no, but i agree with most ur scores i never said i didnt like them coz theyre old!!