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  1. Sarebs

    boob jobs

    Ditto. It's funny coz they used to say I was "jealous of a brick wall", or their "flat mate". Just goes to show.
  2. Sarebs

    Weird food confessions

    Yeah fries in ice cream is pretty normal, well for me anyway. It gets a bit strange though when I dip chicken nuggets into a chocolate sunday.
  3. Sarebs


    I was around some bushfires when I was younger (10/11 maybe) and it scared the crap out of me. Now I've got a bloody irrational fear of them, and I would have been useless if anyone had needed my help. I'm all for getting the kids out asap.
  4. Sarebs

    Accomodation for first year

    UNSW Village, don't know if it's full yet. If so, move in with a few friends if they're moving too. You could look into "homestay" or something like that, where you live with a family and they provide meals, etc. Other than that, I'm not sure.
  5. Sarebs

    What looks hot and sh*t on the opposite sex! Tell all thread

    Ahhh the Jerry Seinfeld look. Seriously... he wears it in every ep! I really can't stand when guys wear pointy shoes. That's really crossing the line.
  6. Sarebs

    good university guide?

    Yeah I have that book. The "student demand" ratings seem pretty spot on, don't know anything about the reliability of the other ratings.
  7. Sarebs

    internet dating

    I've met one guy (a friend) over the internet, not through internet dating, just coincidence. I don't hold anything against internet dating, I mean I shop on the internet, some people just shop for fellas too.
  8. Sarebs

    How to dry hair?

    There are a few way you could do it: -Velcro rollers (cheap but take heaps of time to put in) -Braid it -Towel dry until it's damp, then put some product in and scrunch Or just put it up after you've dried it, in a bun or pony tail. No one will be able to see if it looks retarded.
  9. Sarebs

    Rate this: (New) Mazda 3 MPS

    Oh no. I know nothing about cars, so I base my judgement upon looks (and my underlying hate of Mazdas lol).
  10. Sarebs

    When do you sleep?

    Yeah I rarely sleep before 1am too, now there's no school I can stuff up my sleeping patterns all I like lol.
  11. Sarebs

    Spray on moisturizer

    I know what you mean... I've almost gone through a tub of it since May! I found it! It was a Nutrimetics Ylang Ylang one.
  12. Sarebs

    Spray on moisturizer

    First of all, body butters are for Winter (I read this in Cosmo or something, so take it with a grain of salt). I used to have this great milky spray on moisturiser, it was great for summer as it was really light weight, but I can't remember who made it (Nutrimetics, Avon, Body Shop, Johnson &...
  13. Sarebs


  14. Sarebs

    What perfume are you wearing at the moment?

    I only wear Pleasures Delight around guys, they don't like much else. But around girls, I wear anything, Gucci Envy Me ftw.
  15. Sarebs

    Appropriate ATAR Etiquette??

    Yeah, if people judge you on some silly number, then it's a reflection on them not you. But I know what you mean, I'm lucky I don't know many people like that.
  16. Sarebs

    Appropriate ATAR Etiquette??

    Same with my parents... they will go off something shocking when I don't tell them! I'm sure the neighbours will hear the yelling. But my plan may have hit a snag... I think my brother knows my pin and student number :(
  17. Sarebs

    09ers Yr 12 Formal

    Haha only $90... mine is free because we raised a bunch of money or something.
  18. Sarebs

    Appropriate ATAR Etiquette??

    Haha I think I'll keep it a secret from my parents and brother for a while... I know it'll kill em! But I won't have any trouble telling anyone else, your ATAR isn't really a reflection on yourself.
  19. Sarebs

    09ers Yr 12 Formal

    When was your formal?
  20. Sarebs

    09ers Yr 12 Formal

    Yeah most people don't realise that drinking at/before the event will just make them look like an idiot *sigh*, guess it will provide a bit of entertainment.