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  1. Sarebs

    Something keeps blocking access to the net

    It's your conscience.
  2. Sarebs

    Hahaha good question! I really have no idea... I didn't even know they had different powers or...

    Hahaha good question! I really have no idea... I didn't even know they had different powers or anything, I don't understand it much lol.
  3. Sarebs

    Is bitching the new female bonding?

    Excellent topic! Would be very interesting. But yeah perhaps not a new form of female bonding, it's just become more enabled by society and technology.
  4. Sarebs

    The beliefs of BoSers...

    1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) 2. Neo-Pagan (87%) 3. New Age (84%) 4. Liberal Quakers (83%) 5. Mahayana Buddhism (81%) 6. Theravada Buddhism (79%) 7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (78%) 8. Secular Humanism (76%) 9. New Thought (64%) 10. Scientology (64%) 11...
  5. Sarebs

    Channel go

    Haha I managed to find it too :D I want Go! *Throws remote at brother* 5 minutes later... I have Go!
  6. Sarebs

    I have stretch marks on my body.

    Yep, you get stretch marks when the skin grows too quickly, hence the name. I have small hips, so I only have them on my boobs. Bio oil is the only thing I've used, and it's worked well. Although, you might want to try something else if you're using it on your legs because it's really...
  7. Sarebs

    09ers Yr 12 Formal

    We didn't even get a year 10 formal :(
  8. Sarebs

    Funniest movie/tv show/comedy sketch you have ever seen

    Well, many Seinfeld bits. Atm, the one where Kramer goes to the vet to diagnose the dog (and him), and Jerry has to give Kramer the pills. Jerry holds his nose and everything, then he spits it out. Oh so funny. But of all time, hmmmm, an old Footy Show sketch where Chief and Sterlo were...
  9. Sarebs

    Hair Removal

    Yeah I used to use veet spray on stuff when I was like in yr 6 (too unco to shave and 'too young' to wax), yeah it works okay. I remember doing it only once a week, but I didn't care much about hairs so would do it more often now. It didn't burn or anything, but I'm not sensitive at all...
  10. Sarebs

    Top 5 Nintendo 64 games?

    Ahhh I think my mum gave ours away! If she did, she's dead.
  11. Sarebs

    Top 5 Nintendo 64 games?

    Hahaha we owned Banjo Tooie, but my brother and I never played it because Gruntilda scared the crap out of us every time we lost!
  12. Sarebs

    Top 5 Nintendo 64 games?

    1. Mario Kart 2. Pokemon Stadium 3. Pokemon Stadium 2 4. Super Smash Brothers 5. Banjo Kazooie Argh I know I missed some!
  13. Sarebs

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    My dad was talking up Abbott, so we got into a massive fight, that ended in me pretending to believe in climate change. Oh classic.
  14. Sarebs

    You *know* you're a chemistry nerd when...

    You tell people all about the plastics surrounding them. And then assume they care.
  15. Sarebs


    Haha I only spend about 4wks in Syd/yr. The rest of the time... I'm in the country! But soon too change :D
  16. Sarebs

    09ers Yr 12 Formal

    In less than 30mins, we had played the first three of those. Oh classic! Those summmmmmmmerrrrr niiiiiiiiiiighiiiightttttttttssssssssss.
  17. Sarebs

    Channel go

    Don't worry, I have the same problems. I know I have to re-scan, I just don't know how.
  18. Sarebs


    Ahhh k, will go there to find some nice clothes for my loser brother then.
  19. Sarebs

    Channel go

    Re-scan or something?
  20. Sarebs


    Ahhhh it's for guys, would explain why I'm clueless. What type of guys btw?