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  1. chookyn

    John Howard misleads public?

    didn't he actually promise there wouldn't be any dramatic increase in troops sent to Iraq? IMO 450 troops isn't that big an increase... so he wasn't lying outright.. although it was misleading. johnny has a track record of being misleading - like with the GST :p
  2. chookyn

    Which uni do you think is the most prestigious

    Avondale has some pretty buildings, is nice 'n' green and has historical significance... and it's been around for 105 years. does that make it prestigious? :p
  3. chookyn

    Uni Education - Makes you a better person?

    sorry, this is irrelevant, but Cyan_phoeniX you have 666 posts! :D
  4. chookyn


    yay someone mentioned avondale college! :) except i don't think they have cert IV theology... they do have a four-year BA (theo), 2-year graduate diploma (theo) and various theology Masters programs though. yes there are quite some non-typical theology students at avondale, i can't fully...
  5. chookyn

    science sucks at uni

    yeah it does ay. :( if it runs over a lunch break it's good, 'coz usually they'll give you 1/2 hr or so break. if not, i just tend to leave early towards the end of the session. it's ok if you don't make a habit of it. i did that a couple times last year, but generally only after i'd finished...
  6. chookyn

    science sucks at uni

    i have a couple of 4 hour labs :p but they're for graphics, not science *shudders*... i could imagine that a 3hr science lab would be rather tedious..
  7. chookyn

    Uni Education - Makes you a better person?

    Yes, admittedly it seems there is no easy answer. You've both raised some valid questions and points there, though. Thanks for giving us some food-for-thought :)
  8. chookyn

    Uni Education - Makes you a better person?

    good point.. whether secular or religious, i think people just need to be more understanding and tolerant of others, regardless of socioeconomics and education..
  9. chookyn

    Uni Education - Makes you a better person?

    IMHO, i think education and personal integrity/morality needs equal emphasis. There's no good in being a highly educated/trained 'immoral' person, just as there's no good being a poorly educated/trained 'moral' person. There needs to be a balance (side-note, education/training need not be at the...
  10. chookyn

    courses ur doing

    ahh.. same.. except with distance ed... do you like it so far? i'm finding it hard to get motivated for this :( ..must be the 'own pace' factor :D
  11. chookyn

    The reality of doing a music course at UNI

    Just a few questions i guess from some people that know the Music UNI scene a fair bit. Im about too go to southern cross uni @ lismore for the Contemporary Music degree there. In reality it seems just from the briefings and such that you really need to do Education with it to actually be able...
  12. chookyn

    Squash vs. Tennis

    lol, ok thanks guys. i think i'll go squash. there's a squash club at my college, so that'll make it exciting :)
  13. chookyn

    Squash vs. Tennis

    oops i should've put this in the sport sub-forum :/
  14. chookyn

    Squash vs. Tennis

    So, which do you play, and why? (or, which would you prefer playing?) The reason i ask is because i'm trying to decide whether to buy a new squash racquet or a tennis racquet... since living on campus i'll have access to both squash and tennis courts... (currently leaning towards squash...
  15. chookyn

    Religious affiliation

    you've got me curious there - if you don't mind my asking, please elaborate :)what sub-category of christianity do you see yourself in? the two main groups are catholics and protestants; i'm protestant (seventh-day adventist to be specific)
  16. chookyn


    yeah true that, thnx :)
  17. chookyn


    i guess there wasn't really a question there, i was just making a general comment on the only difference i've noticed so far between FEE-help and HECS-help... seeing if anyone wanted to add to the comment. but now i see i should've been clearer: are there any other differences between...
  18. chookyn


    so far the only difference i've noticed is that HECS is (obviously) better... FEE-help initially appears to be good, but it's basically a high interest loan. They 'say' there's no interest, which is silly because there's a 20% LOAN FEE - might as well be the same thing! That's equivalent to a...
  19. chookyn

    Lecture pad or exercise book

    dunno, but you usually wouldn't use it all anyway, i only needed one of these for all the five subjects i did last semester... (but then my course is practical more than theory..) if you get one of these for each sub you should be set! just buy more as you have need. i've tried the 5sub...
  20. chookyn

    UNI's Starting And I Don't Want To Go

    for the first few weeks anyhow :rolleyes: :edit: you must be working pretty hard now to be looking forward to uni!