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  1. chookyn

    UNI's Starting And I Don't Want To Go

    yeah it just means hard work, and a good social life*. mostly the pain is in having to move in/out a lot... move in>stress>move out>bludge>move in>stress>move out>bludge>move in... (well it's not always that predictable!) think of uni as a privelige... on a worldwide scale, very few...
  2. chookyn

    UNI's Starting And I Don't Want To Go

    lol yeah u get that.. 'specially by 2nd, 3rd or 4th year :D
  3. chookyn

    Mid-degree deferral

    yea i wanna :) just gotta work out some glitches... i think they mean things that happen which you can't really avoid, such as: *not being able to afford it (even with FeeHelp and scholarship) [saying this would be a half-truth, i could afford it (thnx to my parents) but it would be a...
  4. chookyn

    Mid-degree deferral

    they won't let me!! unless i have a good reason in writing... hmm, time for plan B :p
  5. chookyn


    lol! gold...
  6. chookyn

    Mid-degree deferral

    oh that's right it's called 'taking leave' thanks hipsta_jess, good advice! if they allow my scholarship to be put on hold, i'll do that :)
  7. chookyn

    Uni Vs Private Colleges for Graphic Design

    go for a private college smaller classes, and you get FeeHelp! i'm at a college that also offers degrees in business, education, theology, nursing, science, etc. (my degree's under the 'arts' banner) so its not a specialised graphics institution like KvB... but that means you get more...
  8. chookyn

    Nikki Webster ???

    lol, that webdesign is pretty dodgy for an 'official' site... like the photos :/
  9. chookyn

    Martial art

    lol, i did hap-ki-do for two whole sessions, it was fun and it made me fit and flexible, but i was sort-of unco, and also was afraid of getting kicked in the face by accident! Plus the meditation part at the end weirded me out, so i gave it up pretty quickly :s
  10. chookyn

    Easter recruitment

    Is it about the right time to be applying for easter positions with major employers such as ColesMyer? Or is it starting to get a bit late?? I would've applied earlier except i thought i was going to college this semester... now i've changed my mind and am taking a leave of absence for one...
  11. chookyn

    Mid-degree deferral

    anyone here who's already done 1 or 2yrs of uni but intends to take a year off mid-way through their degree? i went straight from HSC to college, no gap year. i love my course and my subs, but don't want to start this semester. Just not very motivated, and it's so far from home!! :(...
  12. chookyn

    Kingscliff Tafe

    Kingscliff TAFE? It's on the Far North Coast of NSW, about 30 mins south from heart of the Gold Coast; 10-20 mins NE of Murwillumbah; rural, modern campus about 5-10 mins to beach :cool: i was gonna do graphic design there since its only a short drive away...
  13. chookyn

    marketing @ TAFE

    since you mentioned distance as being an issue, you could try doing advertising via OTEN..?? that's what i'm doing... i live about 10-12hrs (by car) from the nearest place that advertising is offered... but it only goes up to cert IV level for distance, you'd have to go to sydney to get dip/adv...
  14. chookyn

    Long vs Short hair...

    short for me, i found long hair to be too much maintenance :)
  15. chookyn

    Why do an honours course. Also postgraduate masters course. Benefits?

    yeah i may do an honours year in viscomm at newcastle uni, or maybe a postgrad cert/dip in multimedia... that's the back-up plan if i haven't found a job in the graphic design industry by the start of 2007... most people who do an honours year do it because it fills in time and improves their...
  16. chookyn

    I dont know nothing about uni

    so true! DeathlessOne: whenever you get around to it, try uni. What have you got to lose? (apart from time and money) - you might really like it. Or, even if you don't like it, you're not bound to it. You can drop out anytime! So ya might as well give it a shot... ;)
  17. chookyn

    Who hates right-wing (religious) conservatives?

    mormons have 'special' underwear? news to me! what makes it so special?
  18. chookyn

    Who hates right-wing (religious) conservatives?

    somewhat surprisingly, i agree with most of what asqy has said in this thread. well said chap :) IMHO, what Hillsong church is *trying* to do is good, but they're going about it the wrong way... promoting a shallow interpretation of biblical teaching... in hopes of 'selling' it to the masses...
  19. chookyn

    dumb things you've done on L's

    lol that was a crack-up! :D i guess it's good to make mistakes if you learn from them, and become a better driver because of them... my driving instructor (that i've recently had a couple of lessons with) seems rather nit-picky and overly-cautious... it makes me nervous! (which i'm usually...
  20. chookyn

    dumb things you've done on L's

    While you were learning to drive, did you have any major cringe-worthy moments that had your parent or supervisor yelling at you or having a heart attack? :D Or if you are currently learning to drive, spill the latest stack-up, close-call or embarassing situation! in a few weeks i'm going...