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  1. chookyn

    We have a new pope!

    That's like saying history is fiction, and that people who've had first-hand witness of unfolding events should be disregarded because, despite having no motive to deceive, they've lied about all they've seen and experienced. Then, in their big plot to spin a universal lie, they undertake the...
  2. chookyn

    New Pope: Unify Christians?

    oh okay :) it's always good to have an 'inside' perspective. Non-catholics get quite a different impression of these things, you see. Particularly when all the media portrays of Catholicism are things like paedophilic priests, devout followers flocking to view 'apparitions' of Mary and...
  3. chookyn

    New Pope: Unify Christians?

    i can identify with his concern there hmm... that's pretty conservative, but given he's 78yrs old that's all you can expect. denying Communion, i think, is unreasonable.
  4. chookyn

    New Pope: Unify Christians?

    i think there's more to it than that (i.e. history doesn't convince me that i ought to trust it) (btw, i take it that you are familiar with Adventist teaching) :uhhuh: i have nothing against Catholics, just the structure of the Church. Also, the idea of one mere mortal (the pope) having...
  5. chookyn

    The earth is flat! duh

    of course the earth's not flat, what about the mountains and valleys?! (lol~ yes sorry that was lame) hmm... there's more evidence than just images in favour of a round earth. the moon is round, the sun is round, the other planets are (and you can see that for yourself through any...
  6. chookyn

    The earth is flat! duh

    ROFL! classic. these people aren't for real, are they? rigghhhteeooo :uhhuh:
  7. chookyn

    New Pope: Unify Christians?

    lol! you weren't being serious, were you? Nevertheless, that brought to mind some funny visuals! Seriously though, i don't trust him at all. But then, i can't remember a time i've ever trusted a pope, or the Roman Catholic system, for that matter.
  8. chookyn

    We have a new pope!

    argh, that's freakishly disturbing!
  9. chookyn

    New Pope: Unify Christians?

    New Pope Vows to Work to Unify Christians Good luck to him. My question is, how can unity among Christians be achieved without compromising denominational differences? I hope he doesn't think he can 'unify' Christian denominations by imposing Catholicism on them. The very thought...
  10. chookyn

    Billy Blue School of Graphic Arts

    Anyone here enrolled at this place? i was just looking online at their masterclasses (short p/t 3-10 wk) courses in industry-standard design software and copywriting, illustration, etc. very impressive. looks like some classes i...
  11. chookyn

    Should i read the bible?

    if you're new to the Bible, don't try from cover to cover - it's huge - just take bits and pieces as you discover/search for them. The Bible has principles (but not necessarily 'pat' answers) for every human experience. If you want to know things from the beginning, start at Genesis. if you...
  12. chookyn

    Can I Believe In God In My Own Way?

    ^ amen!! Church is commonly (and wrongly) perceived to be burdensome and dull. I love my church here at college. It's alive and exciting (not in the hillsong sense) but because there's so many youth and so much variety. True, some churches are dead boring, but if you find the right one it...
  13. chookyn

    for those concerned about the pope

    so like another Jesus Christ? lol. disturbing.
  14. chookyn

    Pope recieves last rights......

    lol!! classic image.
  15. chookyn

    dorm life: random scary moments

    lol yeah but it hasn't affected me yet. it didn't taste that bad!
  16. chookyn

    Pope recieves last rights......

    oops sorry, disregard earlier question, didn't read that bit. yeah that's a more sensitive idea, waiting until after he dies
  17. chookyn

    Pope recieves last rights......

    lol, it's last rites note: i'm not the 'pick-up-spelling-mistake-but-miss-the-point' type, but i found it amusing becoz of the double meaning involved :D On a serious note, i have sympathy for him. i have a grandparent who is also very ill @ the mo and in the final stages. He'll probably...
  18. chookyn

    dorm life: random scary moments

    yeah aye :) last night was weird... i went to sleep with my main fluoro light still on, and woke up several times during the night, but still left it on! Thats how tired i was, couldn't be bothered turning it off. (didn't go to bed the night before) yuk. i just drank 300mL of slightly...
  19. chookyn

    Stupid Question ?!

    yeah, i am. actually i'm at a private college (which is currently applying to be recognised as a university). It's spread across arts, science, nursing, theology, business - not a specialist graphics place. But our design facilities are pretty good. One of my lecturers checked out COFA's...
  20. chookyn

    All Scu Nursing Students

    i have a friend who is @ SCU nursing, she doesn't mind the course but she doesn't like the environment of the Lismore campus (many are hippies, druggies and the like, very 'alternative' up there :rolleyes:) so if u don't mind that, its good. actually avondale has a very highly regarded...