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  1. Ghost1788

    Good Company for ADSL

    and who is responsible for your connection to the internet....your ISP factors on PING -distance -path followed i.e. you can drive from Sydney to Melbourne via Canberra or you can drive from Sydney to Melbourne via Perth -bandwidth to name a few Hey SashatheMan i connect to the...
  2. Ghost1788

    Good Company for ADSL

    lol u work at bigpond...??? Personally i thnk Internode is the best mainly because they are 'open minded' have great customer support, great games network, great network and are enabling DSLAMS for ADSL 2+ across Australia and they were as far as i know the first to start doing this. did i...
  3. Ghost1788

    Speech Assessment HELP!!!!

    i thought that jewish people believe that their wealth is given to them for 'sum reason' and that this 'extra' welath belongs to the poor as such Jews are expected to give 10% of what they have to the what would be the role of say christianity...wouldnt the role of both be to...
  4. Ghost1788

    SDD Major Project Ideas

    heres the error handler of my Major enjoy IF THEN STATEMENTS I created/creating a mortgage calculator though i recommend no one tries to do it, wasted too much time coding....this is part of the error checking module that used boolean variable to set off an 'alarm' that triggered this module...
  5. Ghost1788

    Speech Assessment HELP!!!!

    OK i got this assignment there are 2 questions q1 Explain how Judaism and Christianity have demonstrated a role and response to Poverty q2 evaluate the importance of Judaism and Christianity in influencing this issue in Australia today i need alot of help in the direction of Judaism i...
  6. Ghost1788

    Good Company for ADSL

    depends where you live....
  7. Ghost1788

    TPG Broadband (im a noob)

    lol true but only if your computer is directly connected to the modem (in this case your computer supplies the username and password) but if u are like me you ave a router and then when ever you restart the connection lives yeah :D
  8. Ghost1788

    It's Out! - Bf2 Demo!!

    for those of you who have not had a glance at this new game check out these screen shots umm a word of warning... this link is not 56K friendlyclick here
  9. Ghost1788

    umm anyone doing Age of Silicon this year?

    The study of electronics how transistors, diodes work, Logic gates..I had to bug my teacher to do it and he refused(or morly the rest of the class one likes a challenge any more) so now only 3 ppl in the class are doing it including me and he doesnt teac it we just ask him questions...
  10. Ghost1788

    Good Company for ADSL

    Dues that looks sweet.... but why is that plan the most 'advanced' but the cheapest of all their plans...sounds a little suss....
  11. Ghost1788

    N00b LCD question and USB question

    wrong .... you can get an adapter that allows you to use a DVI LCD and a VGA cord visa versa i got one with my graphics card so i can see why you shouldnt be able to buy them at dicksmiths or sumthing
  12. Ghost1788

    How to find out about processor specs

    I think this program will help you its called Everest tell me if it does... Ghost1788
  13. Ghost1788

    Good Company for ADSL

    thats what shaping is....and after you pass the 15GB limit you get shaped to 64kbps...i think read the clicky in my previous post... playing games... 15GB would be just about right depends if the ISP you choose has good game servers then they will most likely let u use them for free...
  14. Ghost1788

    Good Company for ADSL

    What Nekkid said... I recommend INTERNODE They offer 512kbps 15GB for $49.95 see here Clicky Tip avoid cheapo really cheap ISPs like Dodo you really get what you pay for internode have excellent customer service and nice gaming servers and forum which includes free downloads
  15. Ghost1788

    umm anyone doing Age of Silicon this year?

    umm anyone doing Age of Silicon this year?
  16. Ghost1788

    Adsl 2

    hey if you want to know more about adsl 2 and adsl 2+ read this article ...
  17. Ghost1788

    spiel on life and 'love'

    lol, welcome to da internet forums :rolleyes:
  18. Ghost1788


    ok so which brand/model is the best value oh and i nd a dual layer dvd burner OEMs usually come without software in my understanding, but i want software lol I also looking for a CRT/LCD 19" or bigger monitor for about $350 if you knw where i can get a godd monitor for that price plz...
  19. Ghost1788


    Hi people um just wondering what is a good model DVD - Writer that writes to most formats relatively fast and where can you get it cheap in the Western Suburbs of Sydney with software NO OEM's Thanks in advance
  20. Ghost1788

    need SDD tutor

    Um i a student currently studing SDD out of curiosity how exactly would one coach another for SDD its so straight forward.....