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  1. Ghost1788

    Cssa 2005

    Dont worry its only 1 of the 3, 3 hr exams I have to do...... hmm fudge. Personally SDD is easy problem though is that unlike the other 3 hour exams that give 3 hrs because you have to really think about the questions and how to answer them, Software is 3 hrs of pure writing hell...
  2. Ghost1788

    Official 2005 CSSA Trial Exam Thread

    thats not young i turned 17 this year and i'm in year 12
  3. Ghost1788

    Dedication: for all you ppls who fail ext maths

    um how exactly do you integrate that....ahh sht i have neva passed an ext 1 exam
  4. Ghost1788

    i needs 2004CSSA TRIAL solutions

    thanks..... didnt know there was a mirror, what is it mirroring
  5. Ghost1788

    Chem qu

    lol me stupid... thanks people
  6. Ghost1788

    Chem qu

    how do go from ph=-loge[H+] to [H+]=... what does [H+] equal i just cant remember...
  7. Ghost1788

    i needs 2004CSSA TRIAL solutions

    any one got the solutions to the 2004 CSSA TRIAL??? plz post it.....
  8. Ghost1788

    cssa trial 2005 english modules

    OMG how easy was Section 3
  9. Ghost1788

    How do you study for paper two?

    you ppl are so smart, i hevent the first clue about generic essays...i just memorise as many quotes and what they do and write an answer and stick some quotes in to support my arguement
  10. Ghost1788

    CSSA TRIALS 2005 :

    what did you ppl write for Effects of the rites....
  11. Ghost1788

    CSSA TRIALS 2005 :

    CSSA TRIALS 2005 : So...How well did you fail..... Refer to title i didnt get the 7 mark question stared at it for 10-20min with no avail wtf was with the extended response failling is soooooo easy.....
  12. Ghost1788

    for girls < size 8

    i have that same problem, i stand at around 190cm and its kinda hard to find something that fits properly and looks normal i.e. lanky i hate the lanky look but i have to live with it i guess...
  13. Ghost1788

    Programs Eligible for Major Work?

    make your own little version of wordpad simple, easy, quick timeframe = 2-3weeks you could just call it a htmlpad and make it save in html format....
  14. Ghost1788

    Do you think

    i swear SDD long response and shrt response questions are so much easier than the multiple choice, in exams i always get full marks for the shrt and long respons and i lose marks here and there but mostly via MC fudges me up cause it confuses me
  15. Ghost1788

    My SDD Major Project

    MY Loans looks good game is it done..? nearly finished..? MY MAJOR SCREENIE Tell me wat you think its a amoritization program(finished)....
  16. Ghost1788

    whats a good graphics card?

    Currently the 6600GT is the card to buy for the best value it plays newer games relatively well such as Battlefield 2. but like others have said if you are looking to improve gaming performance, improvement is relative to what you have already. It might be possible to upgrade your CPU or RAM...
  17. Ghost1788

    Electroylsis - half equations!!

    that....came out the wrong way....
  18. Ghost1788

    Good Company for ADSL

    yups instead of using a phone number you 'dial' the ip address of the computer
  19. Ghost1788

    Good Company for ADSL

    I've been playing Battlefield 2 online which has VOIP built in and it sounds preety good the VOIP that is.... VOIP shouldnt be expensive cause it is free until it hits the local exchange of the destination. The internet isnt really owned by anyone so there is no one to charge VOIP call...
  20. Ghost1788

    Good Company for ADSL

    Yeah you wont get charged extra afterwards though i do recommend that you read all the terms and conditions before going ahead meh.... soon you wont need to use the phone line(i.e. get charged for local calls or international) with VOIP