formatting has nothing to do with it...i put the formatting to ensure that the actual position of the seat is printed out not whether it is sold or unsold
print array(row, seat)
would print whether the seat was sold or this case unsold
yea i got that too but print array(row, seat) prints the value of that whether it is sold or unsold..
and the theatre company needs to 'print out a list of all unsold seats' which to me infers their position..
so wouldn't you have to
print "Seat: " & seat & " Row: " & row &...
i dont think methods would alter too much apart from the way/shape of the mould/cast..
wait for the resposnse of others as well dont take my word for it the HSC advice line
This is a question from the 2004 HSC paper though i a little confused so to clarify can someone do this question and post ur answer
I have my answers but I am confused i can spot more than 2 errors with that it just me...???
first try right sub forum
Then try dictionary
proceeding to a solution by trial and error or by the rules that are only loosely defined - Reader Digest Dictionary
Criteria or principals for deciding which among several...
check out business computer of my friends managed to buy Microsoft Visual Studio 6 (Professional Edition - 5/6 discs) 2nd hand with manuals, posters etc for <$30
for HSC purposes you dont really need the latest and greatest... :)
scalling depends on how everyone else does in your school and the rest of the SDD HSW cohort.....most people have pathetic software design teachers its a sad fact that there dont seem to be many teachers that are good at teaching this teacher told my class to studies software...
Online Radio
Try Online Radio...its free, non-stop..did i mention non-stop
only problem would be is that it rips through those of you who have a download limit...
heres a site where you can find Online Radio Channels based on genre...
(scroll down :) )
seriously the first 6 questions werent hard i would expect most 2U students to get everything right in those questions so thats 72/120 + the marks that many would have scabbed in 7 and 8 add 10 and then add 5 for question 9 and 10 and subtract 10 from that to account from the silly mistakes...
that book has both the 2U syllabus and the 3U sylabus in it
my school uses it so that those students who start doing 3U can go down to 2U and not need to buy another book...
dont count your words...remember its the quality of your answer not the quantity of it....
the number of lines given is a guide to how long you answer should should need much more than it unless you write big or you scribbled out some of your answer when you reallised it didnt make...
yea refer to title
I have 2 3hr exams Chem and software coming up in just over a week and i have no idea how i'm going to cope...
so does anyone have any suggestions...
as by 11am whatever i had for breakfast is used up and my stomach is grumbling andthe school canteen hasnt that much...