but the question stated 'interest is calculated on the balance at the beginning of the year' and since n=12.2325
therefore on the 13th year the final payment will be made...
2005 + 13 = 2018
therefore the council makes the final payment in 2018
after all that..
u havent answered my question
oh and I dont mind writing documentation..my software design major documentation was in excess of 180 pages and i didnt get to fit in everything..lol
Ok so for all those people who did get the answers to the questions in Question 8, Question 9 and Question 10 ...post your solution for all to see..i'm particularly curious about how some people managed to get answer for Question 10 part b...
below is my solution for Question 10 part a i and...
I'm confused between the stuff I have to know for 2U and what I have to know for 3U...
anyone willing to list the major difference in formulas....
as for logs its easy
abc - bac
loga b=c
change of base
logold base x = ln x/ln oldbase
what i would do...
part one say.. find e2 to 2 dp
= 7.389056099------------------ by calculator
= 7.39(2dp)
in the next question it might ask
e2/4 to 2 dp
using exact value from part i - by calc
=1.85 (2dp)
yes i know that was a really bad...
i dont know any specific sites but HSC ONLINE seems to cover the syllabus fairly well..incl. pracs
perform an investigation and gather information to determine a value for acceleration due to gravity using pendulum motion or computer assisted technology and...
i use a few
s.b.jones and k.e.couchman 3Unit books 1 and 2
Excel revise in a month 2u and 3u
Excel Fast track Step by Step Study guide (ext1)
Excel Fast Track Exam Tips...
Rowland-Jones HSC MAths Practice Questions by Topic 2u
Rowland-Jones HSC MAths Practice Questions by Topic 3u
lol back again... :D :D
does UNSW accept ..not sure what its called....
where you do 1 year of TAFE and then do the degree at UNSW 2nd year..
I thinks its called a Credit Transfer
Also if they do do you know what TAfe course i need to do to get into software engineering... i am...
before you post read at least some of the other threads especially when the thread name is almost identical to the thread you made...
btw good luck and read my post + all the others there...
when you get to the questions take note of the mark value...
-Attempt the question..
Usually just writing down what first comes to mind after reading the question helps or doing what ever comes to mind..ie. change the form..simplify...
If its worth 2- 4 marks and you still cant figure it...