so i missed a few episodes.. the last one i saw was when jack was messing with some telephone box and he was exchanged for beruse and then CTu was tracking him but the terrorists took out the trackers....
i usually record the episodes on my computer usung my tv tuner but its bin playing up...
Fiona Woods????
Australian of the Year 2005....I believe
Developed some spray on skin for burns victims of the Bali bombings....more biology than chem but in all science there is an overlap so .....
take a look at ur text books they usually have pracs with all the calculations and what not...all you then have to do is what could have gone experimental error..
-loss of energy to environment..
Gain is the increase in signal that is produced by an amplifier. Gain is the factor by which the output of a system exceeds the input. For amplifier circuits, gain may refer to the input and output power, current or voltage.
Feedback is used in controlling the gain of operational amplifiers...
yea it does
- also atmospheric interference...
- distance and therefore time ( it takes 12 hrs for a transmission for the voyagers to reach earth)
- possibly the van allen belts..through which geo stationary satelittes pass through the lower van allen belts
dont get your hopes too high, there are less than 30 of those planes in service from what i know and there are rarely used...
you will most likely get stuck flying them big fat planes..
If you want to improve your chances of flying a plane like a F18 or better move to America study up...
hey guys i beleive this is related to the option quanta to quaks could you please post in the proper sub forums...makes it easier for you and other people to refer back to.
Machine Language
The only language understood by computers...binary 1's and 0's
Assembler Language
low level code whereby one line of code corresponds to one action by the computer
High level Language
Programming languages where an instruction coresponds to several machine code...
i dont mean to put you down but wouldn't everyone be hoping for band 6
however i'm like Casmira i get good for the theory but i lose a little in the algorithms
Welcome to my world there is a guy in my physics and chemistry class just like that....only thing to do independant learning.... you just have to live with it and go on, though on a positive note independant learning is far more productive that learning in class and by learning ahead and then...
try your last report aka your most recent report
Um is this how you rank overall or how you ranked in the assessment cause i only get my rankings as per assessment no over all.
wtf how do I answer this question... whats so special about UNSW...
theres another excellent site that explains concepts like this and has 'nice' graphics to go with it as well does Chemistry and Physics.. searching for it will post link when and if i find it....
i remember it said that the trasfer of electricity was like having a tube that could fit certain...
Another way of doing this question..
Because x=3sin(2t+5) is in the form x=asin(nt+k)
Where a=3 and n=2
And Since the motion is in Simple Harmonic Motion
x = -(n^2)*x
x = -4x
therefore max acceleration is at x = -3
Therefore max acceleration = -4 * -3 = 12
I think Sdd should be renamed to Engineering cause the processes you go through in sdd are the same processes that engineers in the real world follow, my dad is an engineer and as he was following up on my progress for my major he was telling me that he has to go through the same processes, but...