Basically the Viet Minh became the NLF. The Viet Cong was the name given to the southern Vietnamese communists which were either NLF sympathisers or NLF cells. The NLF fought more conventionally and the Viet Cong were strictly guerillas.
Viet Minh/NLF = Northern communists
Viet Minh = Southern...
id do bio over senior science and legal over eco. the rest are fine. the only thing u might consider later on is dropping to general maths if the advanced course gets too hard.
you picked it: accelerated courses go faster. basically you end up doing the HSC a year early in that course. sometimes schools offer them (because it makes them look good) to students who are really good at maths or english etc. dont bother with it.
he's right. for all you know, your school could be hard markers. i know at my school some of the faculties deliberately mark hard to scare you into working more. and your assessments might be harder than at other schools. the important thing is your ranking.
stress less. u need 60-65 UAI to get into uni, and if you work hard in your first year, you can transfer to just about whatever course you want anyway. a couple of months after the HSC no one will ever ask you what your UAI was again. just dont stress over it, its not worth it
sorry i dont do bio. but physics isnt as hard as its made out to be. theres a fair bit of (easy) maths but the workload isnt huge by any means. theres a medical physics elective as well if thats useful.
i wouldnt let the medicine/pharmacy thing get in the way of picking physics (id be doing...
Re: Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides?
Dot Point Physics
Dot Point Chemistry
Dot Point PDHPE
HTA Modern History Study Guide
Jacaranda HSC Physics
Any of the Success One Exam booksThose Dot Point books are the best way to cram for an assessment because they have summaries, heaps of questions...
guys stop worrying about scaling. of all the things u need to think about when u pick your subjects scaling is at the bottom of the list. think of it this way: if you pick a higher scaling subject over a lower one (even though u like the lower one and dislike the higher one), you're going to be...
Bad luck about the assessment it looks pretty hard lol. This is basically all I have on US support for the war but im not sure that its exactly what you want.
Quote here from G. Kolko about America post 1945:
"The regulation of the world was at once the luxury and the necessity it (the US)...
no way! i dropped maths halfway through this year. of all my subjects, maths was the most useless; english is more useful, physics is more useful (how sad is that?), pdhpe is more useful, modern histiry is more useful! i have not met a single person who did maths or ext maths who said that its...