havent started. i want to get them all done by the trials. i probably wont get too much done in the hols. more interested on catching up on sleep - that last week of term was really shit.
What does the HSC mean to you?
How much do you want to succeed?
What does it mean to you if you fail?
What are the repercussions of failing/going bad?
Will your life be over if you stuff up in the HSC?
As long as i get 60 UAI then i wont be too worried. id like more, but at the end of the...
i couldnt think of a single reason why year 11 would be more stressful than year 12. get over it year 11 it only gets harder.
you're not going to know whats hit u when your in year 12 haha.
when i start, i decide a time that ill work till and then i wont let myself stop until then. and i wouldnt wear a watch when u do that cos ull look at it all the time. btw i only mean like an hour at a time, then take a break
im pretty happy with my school. we get to go off at lunchtimes to maccas or whatever (until someone screws it up by being dumb), and we dont have structured free periods (like we can laze about outside or go home). but those bloody juniors... they're getting shorter and more annoying every year.
Leni Reifenstahl
lol i spose if u study it u might. i tried it without the study in a pe exam last year. crash and burn. there's something really special about getting a zero on your paper.
Double check with your teacher before you take my word for it. See fig 8.3 on p137. Remember, it's flux change which causes an induced emf. So on the flux vs time graph, the only point at which there is no flux change is when the gradient =0 (when the red line is horizontal). That is why when...
dont be lazy, drive the mazda. you're going to have to drive a manual sooner or later so you may as well start now. that way when u buy a car u wont have to worry about the transmission.
ha. one of the deputies at school assembly (who has a bad habit of pausing every few words) announced that "mr ------ is desperate for a year 11 girl". HA. even the teachers laughed at that one. if the deputy talked normally it wouldnt have been a problem.
no it shouldn't. i think in junior school u should spend more time actually studying english than examining crap like hidden meanings and what the author was implying and how we can apply that to our own lives. u have to admit it's a pretty useless subject
forget scaling, dont even worry about that. pick what u think ud be interested in cos ull do 100% better in them. if you look at the university guides and stuff ull see that maths isn't a prerequisite for anything except business and science courses, so if u dont think thats what u want to do...