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  1. nick3157

    anyone else think this is unfair?

    I've done the new test and I agree with down in flames. If they don't feel confident driving with you then they'll find anything they can fail you for. You're right tho, just because u pass your test doesn't mean you're a good driver - it just means you got it right once.
  2. nick3157

    Physics prac - need help

    You need to be able to look at a question in a test, know what syllabus dot point it is relevant to, and know what prac you did for that dot point. Sorry, but pracs are hard to remember and theres nothing for it but revision.
  3. nick3157

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    People are still missing the point a bit here. This isn't about interfering in any way about people's beliefs. Nor is it about removing religion from schools or society itself. It's about things like what ur inner child talked about:
  4. nick3157

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    This thread has absolutely nothing to do with religious (or athesist) hate or even religion itself - it's about the segregation that is caused by splitting everyone up and sending them to schools full of people of the same culture. And I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that the...
  5. nick3157

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    And im not against religous headwear in schools etc. I don't think it does any harm to anyone and it's just another exposure to another facet of a different culture - a good thing.
  6. nick3157

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    You're right. Part of the point i was trying to make in the first place (but didn't) was that in some cities, some groups simply don't want to join the rest of society (such as the two examples Goji used) and that private religous schools merely encourage this.
  7. nick3157

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    Is it fair to say that private religous schools are encouraging segregation in our society? I belive that the only way to accept and embrace people of other cultures and backgrounds is to be exposed to them - how can a person who has never truly interacted with someone of a different culture...
  8. nick3157

    Australian Citizenship Test

    People are right, this is a bloody stupid test. Having said that tho, remember this is a citizenship test - u could live here all ur life as a permanent resident and not do it so it's not like we're denying people entry to the country because they can't pass the test. There are bigger problems...
  9. nick3157

    Where do you stand?

    on the compass apparantly im about the dalai lama
  10. nick3157

    Does your school affect your results for the HSC?

    you sound like ud rather go to this new school. do what ud think would make things easiest - u dont need distractions like inexperienced teachers (by that i just mean they arent familiar with the course). if the school has a good academic reputation, its probably telling u that the teachers are...
  11. nick3157

    keeping you awake

    lol bugger time management - work when u feel like working even if its late at night. tea will keep u awake longer than coffee. no-doz will keep u awake all night if u have enough. dont like your chances of functioning the next day tho.
  12. nick3157

    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides? In Chemistry I used Excel and Macquarie and Maths i used Excel. Not that its much use to u but Dotpoint HSC Chemistry is the best Chemistry study guide ive seen. See if u can find a prelim one
  13. nick3157

    area integration

    i just dropped maths thanks to all this stuff
  14. nick3157

    How many units are you doing??

    lol thanks ill remember that one
  15. nick3157

    Help! Please

    do what youre good at and like. theres no point clinging to the notion that ull get a good mark in something just because it scales well - u still need to go well in it for it to scale well
  16. nick3157

    How many units are you doing??

    i was doing 12 units but im thinking of dropping maths. im not doing too well in it so i thought id just do 10 units. anyone doing or done 10 and think its a good or bad idea?
  17. nick3157

    balancing HSC and job

    i worked between 12 and 15 hours a week in the first term of year 12 and i quit. was a good move. half of it was not having time to do all my school work but the other half was just being too tired when i got home. i reckon its how flexible your work is - if u can just work as much as u think u...
  18. nick3157

    Dreadful HSC start

    I got 33%
  19. nick3157

    Dreadful HSC start

    I got 33% in my Maths exam and 68% in Physics so far so you aren't doing too bad.
  20. nick3157

    Imaginative themes

    Drop to standard