For the AU$ to appreciated agaignst the US$ it means that AU$1 is now worth more US$ than it was previously.
Eg. if AU$1 is worth US$0.60 then it rises to US$0.70, then the AU Dollar has appreciated against the US Dollar.
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I think there might be something wrong here.
the current ratio = CA / CL
=2.58 : 1
So IMO either the question or the answer is wrong.
Where did you get the question?
In the HSC exams you aren't competing against other people at your school, your schoo is competing against the rest of the state. It is in your interests for everyone at your school to go well.
Well apparantly they don't penalise people for plagarism in the HSC, even when markers have recognised creative responses as published short stories.
The Board Of Studies definition of imagined includes using stored information - or something like that.
So you'll probably be alright. But each...
Wouldn't the easiest way to determine this be to try it and see?
Do they go through normal thinish paper? Because looking at a writing booklet here the pages don't seem any thinner than the loose leaf, hole punched paper I've got.
But even if it doesn't go through, wouldn't it be really hard...
The different readings are different persepectives, and so are the different productions.
Generally you can say that so and so's production is a marxist reading or whatever, referring to the production allows you to use specifc examples of things, and each production is going to be different...
I would have to say that overall I found software pretty boring - but perhaps this was just our teacher.
I find writing algorithms and coding fun - so for me the best part was the major project. Unfortunatly most of the syllabus is theory.
That said I don't think it's really that hard, just...
That's what I always thought but reading the notes from the markers for the 2005 AOS essay (not Lear, but the same thing would apply) I found this:
So it looks like using "I" is alright if it is appropriate for the question - and since your writing about your own understanding, with Lear it...