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  1. orange_blob

    Teaching Yr 11 and 12 in the one class

    hang on, isn't it against the rules to teach yr 12 work to yr 11s, unless they are accelerated or whatever. Cos, last year my business studies teacher would occassionaly suggest questions for us to ask when he wanted to talk about something not covered in the prelim syllabus, as he has to...
  2. orange_blob

    How often are people working?

    Thanks, i feel heaps better now, goldendawn your comments have particularly reassured. I just kinda paniced the other day when i realised hadn't really been doing anything. Okay, the new plan, i think i'll start by writing/whatever 3 times a week. And I'm sure that once i really get going...
  3. orange_blob

    HELP: exploring eng topics

    Isn't what everbody says that we shouldn't worry about this, as at the end you'll always be able to find some way in which it relates? Afterall, you'll have a lot of trouble writting a story that isn't a journey of some sort.
  4. orange_blob


    I should probably begin working on my proposal. Kinda hard though, as i know that it is due sometime towards the beginning of term, but we haven't been told what format its gotta be in or anything. Sure i could start writting one generally though, as I do have my idea. All the sorts of...
  5. orange_blob

    How often are people working?

    ok, i've got my idea (i think), but i don't seem to be getting anywhere. And I know exactly why, it's because I'm not doing any work on it. Last term i kept telling myself that i'd do heaps in the holidays. But guess what, i haven't. The few things i've put into my journal since the end of...
  6. orange_blob

    Term Four - Accomplishments.

    What I have acheived: A firm idea. A vague understanding of crowd psychology. Making a commitment to decide on a plot over the break. plus a whole heap of worthless dribble in my journal. :D
  7. orange_blob

    The Name

    Hey, I don't think many people would have... it's still pretty early. I have written a bit, about 3/4 of a page, just because I got bored. It probaly won't actually be in my MW, but I just felt I needed to start. My teacher says that this term is mainly to be used for research, but I...
  8. orange_blob

    Sign oUt of school

    isn't it, you don't get your reference if you haven't signed out? So the school can make suke you've brought all text books back
  9. orange_blob

    The Name

    ScottyG you're idea sounds great, you seem to know what you're doing and where you're going to take it. I like the sound of the whole objective worlds apart thing. The innocent youth side kind of reminds me of that short film Birthday Boy. (Hope I didn't give to much away, if i have let...
  10. orange_blob

    The Name

    Sorry, it wasn't meant to sound like that. I was just interested, as he seems to have done so much.
  11. orange_blob

    The Name

    I've been thinking, and I think I've changed my mind. You see at school I drew a kind of 'map' of my idea, and I realised that it was crap. All my ideas focused primarily on the setting and a bit on the characters, I had no real ideas I liked about the actual plot or anything. So I...
  12. orange_blob

    The Name

    I like that. That's not the direction I think I'm going to go though. I'm thinking about different characters that don't know each other, but are brought together by an event they experience, on the train. Sort of like 'The Breakfast Club' on a train :D The thing I like about the trains is...
  13. orange_blob

    The Name

    Damn. That wasn't the plan, guess it's just 'cause people spend a fair bit of time in these. Oh well, I'll just have to ,make mine really good then :)
  14. orange_blob

    The Name

    ! We had our second lesson today at lunch. But apparently we're gonna start having two a week next week. And I don't think we've even been offically "allowed" to do the course yet. But I think my frees (no more physics!) should come into effect tomorrow. So I think I'll just start writing...
  15. orange_blob

    The Name

    How many lessons have you actually had? I know what I want to write about (i think) but I haven't really started because I don't really know exactly how all this journal stuff is supposed to waork as we've just had the one lesson so far. Our teacher hasn't even garanteed that we'll all even...
  16. orange_blob


    That's what I got, t=0. I find it hard to comprehend, though that the water is draining the fastest before any time has passed :P