Whether or not the memory retention thing is true for the 2 hours studying thing, I'd think you'd want to do more - considering that most exams are 3 hours, if you always only study for 2 hours it's going to be a bit of a shock when you have to concentrate for 3 hours in the exam.
You can completely make stuff up, but I think that you're better off starting with a slightly obscure case study which you know the general idea of, then you can just make up the specific details and stats as you need them.
I don't do IPT but:
it's not just 900/56 because the 56k on a modem means it goes at 56 kilobits per second, and the file being 900k means it's 900 kilobytes. Now since there are 8 bits in every byte, the modem will download at 7 kilobytes per second (ie 56/8).
So you then do 900/7 which gets...
Easy, have fun. Appreciate the year from day one, it will be gone so quickly - that's what I was told, but i didn't really think it would go all that quickly, but it did.
Study earlier rather than later. Start studying from the very begining, you don't need to do heaps but make sure you're...
I'm pretty sure you'd be exempt from copyright because you're making it as part of your studies.
Here we go, look what I found when I should be studying:
That's from http://www.copyright.org.au/information/specialinterest/G048.pdf
Wait, here's something a little more specific...
But on the other hand there is also a possiblity that the markers will like my major work more than me, my teachers and my friends do :D (They better, because otherwise I'm stuffed :P)
C'mon now - lets be positive.
Yeah my school does the sms thing. It's kind of stupid though, because they just handed out forms one day and told us to get them filled in. I can't see why anyone wold have handed it back, seeings as it said exactly what it was for on the note. Some people handed it in with their own mobile...
Now, now - I think any more information would take the fun out of it.
Okay, tarrot cards 'ey?
The Draw
But I have a Royal Flush? - The Rules of Tarrot
The Escape of Dr Carrot From Vegtable Prison
The Deal
Bad Deal
Stacked Deck
Twelve Simple Recipes For Potatos
The Fool's Fall
The Rise...
'Tis kinda tricky without knowing what your story is about, but here we go:
Twisted Reflections
The Mirror
A Window To Ourselves
Reflected Motion
The Crazy Adventures of Mirror Man
See Yourself
See Ourselves
Frosted Glass
Do Mirrors Reflect?
Reflections on a...
Have I?
Heaps good ;)
That's a very goos question, I've been thinking I've got heaps of other stuff that I've been waiting to do - but now when I actually go to write it I can't think of anything. But number one on my list would have to be start breathing again.
2. Go see some real films -...
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
That's heaps clearer, because there is a fair bit of stuff that I wasnm't really thinking about as research that influenced my work
Thanks to the infinite extreme max.
Just been working on my Reflection Statement, specifically this bit:
Now what if {purely hypothetically of course ;)} I've done a fair bit of research, but it turned out that most of it wasn't really relevant for what my work turned out to be in the end?
I didn't really do any more research...
If you look at the 2006 Majorwork dates - http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/manuals/pdf_doc/hsc_important_dates_06.pdf
It has the "completion date" as the 22nd, and the "hand in date" as the 23rd. So I think that means you're allowed to keep working on it up until midnight on the 22nd.