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  1. orange_blob

    Who only does Ext 1 to do Ext 2?

    Yeah, I find I'm really good at it when it's two o'clock in the morning and I've just finished a brilliant essay. Yet the brilliance seems to have dissappeared by the time I get my marks back. :P
  2. orange_blob

    Pride and prejudice class structure

    Darcy and that are definatly the upper classes. I would say that the Bennants are middle class. They're not living in the gutter or anything, but they are struggling financialy in some aspects. There might be a better way of describing that though.
  3. orange_blob

    Which Do You Think Is Harder?

    I'm guessing you don't do ext 2 maths. It is far more involved than learning formulas. Sure there are some formulas you need to learn, but it is the in depth understanding of the concepts that will get you marks. Most of these concepts a incredibly abstract. Ext 2 maths doesn't teach you how...
  4. orange_blob

    English Extension 2 Big Bloggers

    Re: Big Blogger and English Extension 2 Cheers, I hadn't picked up that thread yet. hmm... not really too sure if it was a good idea to highlight my maths in this forum though, may cause people to think less of me. :P Just 'cause I do maths doesn't mean I'm a bad person. :D {see, look I...
  5. orange_blob

    Which Do You Think Is Harder?

    I agree. {BTW I do both} I voted for maths. Not that english isn't hard, but there is so much more freedom in that course, for instance my school doesn't even have classes for EE2, so you can make what you want from it and thus it will be fun. I enjoy maths concepts and ideas and I think...
  6. orange_blob

    English Extension 2 Big Bloggers

    Re: Big Blogger and English Extension 2 *cough* + Chris does too.
  7. orange_blob

    English Extension 2 Big Bloggers

    Re: Big Blogger and English Extension 2 :cool: Good call.
  8. orange_blob

    English Extension 2 Big Bloggers

    Re: WHO TO VOTE FOR ON BIG BLOGGER EE2ers! global warming
  9. orange_blob


    It may work for the story, but do you like it? I do like the feeling it leaves in my mind, the mental after taste. Kinda like when you're somewhere completly silent, and there's a loud noise, but straight after it happens you're not sure if the dound actually happened or not. I don't know why...
  10. orange_blob


    That's mad cool. For every fifth word I get: ( I changed him to his) Todd twisted his world height I like it.
  11. orange_blob

    English Extension 2 Big Bloggers

    Re: Big Blogger and English Extension 2 The enigma is here. I feel that title requires a cape, a cape with some form of question mark upon it. Where can I buy such a cape? Don't ignore Lanelle, though paradoxically ignoring her now would involve taking note of her instructions, thus paying...
  12. orange_blob

    Random facts about your stories.

    Come to think of it, an entire story written like that would sound kinda cool. It's strange though, how there are these words that aren't acceptable to use like that, and there isn't really a proper reason for it either. "Fucking" just adds so much more meaning to a statment, it multiplies the...
  13. orange_blob

    HSC becomes a reality

    :-O An actual non-blogger has been reading them...... Somebodies got some inside connections, or good detective abilities. Either way, I'm scared.
  14. orange_blob


    'Twas originally called The Crowd but as of two weeks ago is currently called Freedom. I'm sure it will change again.
  15. orange_blob

    Random facts about your stories.

    It depends on the way you do it. like if it's just part of the third person narration I think it'd be a no no, like "Graham sat reading a book under a fucking big tree". But then again it depends on the voice of the narrator, like The Catcher in the Rye if that book was set today, there would...
  16. orange_blob

    Sydney Writers' Festival

    No. Cloning is never an option. I think the The keynote and The 'State Of Origin' Team Poetry Slam look good. :D I'm sure heaps of the others would be interesting aswell, those are just the ones that jump out at me.
  17. orange_blob

    Random facts about your stories.

    You can always start a new thread you know. :p <RANT> I think this is probably because for the most part, this is the first "proper" writting people have done. Yet we have spent years at school studying the best poet's and writers, and the deep analysis makes people believe that they need to...
  18. orange_blob

    Agent for self determination - definition

    ooh, that kinda makes sense now. cheers
  19. orange_blob

    how do u organise ur notes?

    I write all my notes straight on the computer. I have one icon on my desktop for each subject where everything is. I copy the sylabus dot points, colourise them, and add more dot points with actual information. Then when I finish each part I upload them to my website [], which...
  20. orange_blob

    HSC becomes a reality

    Yeah, when is BigBlogger going to start?