Did y'all pick up your pips from school? Does it look like it's been read? (Getting it returned in cruddy condition is a *good* thing! Means they read it!)
I forgot to pick mine up, I'll get it soon though.
I don't think it was easy at all.
Bloody hell, to get ahead of everyone else you gotta be creative. That's hard to do in such a short period of time.
Edited to answer Terminator's question:
Nope. I sat near the front and they're like vultures making sure everyone has their pens down.
Well if people get the last questions wrong they'll prolly mark you ok (not be as strict) because they were long questions and took a lot of calculating. It's easy to make stupid mistakes when you're running out of time!
Re: Howdy All
Wow, that's pretty cool that yours was like a discovery thing..Mine wasn't. It was fun though. I got to watch a lot of my favourite shows and write about them for an assignment. Can't get any better than that! :)
I agree with ben.
I was going to go for another booklet but decided to keep it concise and to the point. They wouldn't have given us that type of booklet if they wanted us to go on and on about it.
I know! It's ridiculous how big the course is! They really gotta cut it down or something. I went through everything we ever got and mygod, it took me forever! Then when you get to the exam you don't need half of it!
In the Agrippina Personalities section there was a question which said to talk about the ancient or modern interpretations of Aggie. Some people didn't see the 'or' part. They did both anc. and mod. interpretations instead of one.
Sarah-- if you wrote a good response that woulda gotten you full marks minus the OR thing, they'll take that into account. Don't worry, you'll do fine. :)
Hey, I had the same lack-of-sleep problem as well! Every time I have an exam I can never get a good nights sleep! Did the milk thing...
Quantity over Quality....
I didn't go over a booklet each for each question. If you spread your time out like they want you to it's not like you can punch out a fab, (very) detailed essay in 45 mins.
I studied heaps for my test as well..My revision notes ended up being about 30 a4 pages! It was set up for each module and a coupla source pages. :D I did that over a few weeks and then did major revision all yesterday. Wooo, I think it paid off this time. :)
This is what I did in my test...
It sucks that we all did different societies/personalities because we can't talk about certain parts of the text 'cos you haven't done it or vice versa. :(
Anyone know how much this adjustment will be of? It wasn't that clear so it's not your fault. They should write their questions better or put that part in bold before they put down what you hafta do.