Thanks for that..Makes it a little more stressful knowing that I might not get a placement if the # of placements is small..But that's just me over-stressing..Damn HSC..;)
Thanks for replying! I get what you're saying but as I re-read old posts from this topic I saw this:
At least.
Are you sure?
That means if your course is 75, you get 65 but your ret is 74, you can still be offered a place?
I think we're too similar! We both just did our society exam and the uais..;)
Ditto on the ret results..Blah! People who bludge in my school got al little higher than me which sucked..At least I still have cpos! :D
Well if we both get into Penrith it settled. We're meeting up on the first...
Yeah it would be cool! Since no one I know applied to Penrith. Imna be a newbie and a nigel at the same time! Arghhh! Scary! Oh well! LOL!
For the uai-It varies.
From the top course on my prefs. it's a nc then to 85, 75, 70 etc.
Damn lucky I have cpos.Ok, my ret wasn't as bad as some kids...
What a coinky dink. I prolly would never meet you there but it's cool anyways. :D
Mine are all media related courses. Comunications, Art, Media studies, Fine Arts (digital photog)
I know, I know! :D
Hey I know this is totally OT but what UWS campus are you applying for? Almost all of my prefs are to Penrith. I hear that's a good school.
Yup yup, ITA!
Thanks for that, my ret wasn't as good as I wanted it to be but knowing I can use my cpos if my uai (god forbid) isn't as high as I expected it to be, puts my mind at ease. :D
I have another question.
Did any of you do the CPOS portfolio? (If you were accepted you get in 5 uai points under the cut off)
Will they disregard that now that we have our ret scores?
What if your ret wasn't as high as you needed it to be? Can you use the cpos 5 points instead?
No, I mean the ret score. What if you get a ret of 60, the course uai is 75. You get in 10 less with your ret so you needa get 65. Just say your uai is 65 but your ret is lower than your uai, then what happens?
This is the part I'm a bit iffy on.
"Once you have satisfied these criteria, your RET result if higher than your UAI will be used during the 2003 UAC offer rounds."
So just say you have a course in mind but your uai is not high enough but your ret is, they disregard your uai entirely and...
We never learnt about participant observants! :( I made up something so here's hoping!
I did the belief systems and pop culture essays, both of em part a) The research methods part threw me off so I didn't do part b.
Kat-- What'd you use in the belief systems question? I did Islam...