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  1. evie

    Argh! Yay! It's OVERRRR!

    Woooo! I'm so happy it's over now! :D It was set out pretty well and I had enough time to answer all of the questions in as much detail as I wanted to. How'd you guys go in yours? Good luck everyone! Woohoooo!
  2. evie

    A Printing Error In Question 8!!! Question Wont Count!!!

    You mean the vertical axes? What are you talking about?
  3. evie

    who else did not finish

    Yeah me too! I finished the last question with about 2 minutes left. So I went back to my MC.. Whenever I do MC and I don't know know the answer I put a mark around an answer I think is right then if I have no time at the end I just pick those ones.. Saves time I guess. What'd you guys do for...
  4. evie

    How do you think you went?

    Wow...21.1! I didn't think it would be around that! People walk out of the I.T exams and think it was a blast..
  5. evie

    How do you think you went?

    Amro-- Not sure about the scaling thing, sorry! You should ask one of the site managers..They'd prolly know. DFX-- I wrote Mike Smith. He was NSW, Male.. There were only 2 NSW people, and one was a girl. I thought that was pretty straight forward..I hope I answered that one right! LOL!
  6. evie

    How do you think you went?

    Which one was that? The EIS thing? LOL, I can't even remember. What ports did you do? I did USB, 2 serials (which I took a blind guess at being the round ones?) and a Parallel port. I remember hooking up my keyboard and putting the keyboard thing into a round one so.. Lucky for that eh?!
  7. evie

    How do you think you went?

    Well I didn't use a specific format like a report or something this is what I did: Paragraph about what the EIS thing was and who it was for. Then step by step talked about everything on Page 21 and what we (the PC support and myself- the PC support sup.) would do to install it. It's...
  8. evie

    How do you think you went?

    Ooh I hope you get good results! :) What was that thing with the 'at' and 'it'? That was the only thing that bugged me out..I don't think we ever covered that in class. What questions did you do in S3? I did the memo and the EIS installation thing.
  9. evie


    I'm glad they use the HSC result then..I feel like I went better in this exam than when I walked out of the trials..
  10. evie

    How do you think you went?

    I liked the exam..The questions were good and I understood it all. That's the first exam I walked out of thinking I might've went good in! :)
  11. evie

    Is the UAI calculated from the Trials?

    I don't really know what they use to calculate the UAI's. Is it the Trials? Or is it an avg of your overall test scores up until the HSC? Any info would be great. Thanks.
  12. evie

    Yeah Baby!

    Emma-- Hard question but I'm happy with my response despite how rushed the ending was. Lear-- Good question, didn't have enough time to mention all the things I wanted to but overall--pretty happy. Frontline-- Hard question but once I got going it was ok. Wouldn't say it was my best but I...
  13. evie

    I felt Clueless...

    I thought it was a hard question..I mean, I re-read the question a couple of times then got an idea as to how I was gonna approach it..but it was hard I must admit! gonzalina-- I mentioned most of the things you talked about in your post so here's hoping! :D
  14. evie

    Conversation - Names

    Mine ended with: A- I think I'm going to watch Brook's interpretation because you've made me see things from a diff. perspective--blah blah blah B- Yeah, isn't it great that despite our different perspectives we've come to the conclusion that Lear is if not, the best tragedy ever written...
  15. evie

    How do you get into New Courses?

    Oh ok, I understand. Thanks so much. :)
  16. evie

    How do you get into New Courses?

    If there is a new course how do they put you in? They can't go by past UAI's cos there are none. Anybody?
  17. evie

    FRONTLINE (episodes..)

    In the exam today I used 'Add Sex & Stir' and 'The Siege'. I spose everyone else did as well but I don't really care. Side note--Mike is such a moron, but a funny moron at that. ;)
  18. evie


    I didn't really want to go to UWS but it turned out that the computer course I really wanted to do was there so...Despite the bad rep it may have it has the course I want so I'm happy. :)
  19. evie

    Used the name "John Smith"

    LOL, I used Sarah Smith. As usual. I have no imagination. ;)
  20. evie

    anyone use real people in lear conversation??

    Well my conversation was between 2 people : One went by a post modernist critical interpretation so he said he watched the Peter Brook film version. The other person went by a AC Bradley interpretation being that he thought his madness was a part of the divine order of things. He watched...