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  1. tehpyro

    Wanting to do B Bus/B Sc IT

    It's not terribly difficult-- you'd probably need to maintain a credit average. I know back in 2009 students needed a high-credit to transfer into BBus from BScIT/BBus. Maybe speaking to an academic advisor would be profitable for you.
  2. tehpyro

    The UTS 2010 Rollcall

    You can edit your post, you know. EDIT: It would take the same amount of time to write "soooooo not bothered" as it would to edit your old post... arguably less, even.
  3. tehpyro

    Laptops @ UTS

    You could also buy a laptop/book bag combo, with a section built in for a laptop. That's what I have--- even though I no longer bring my laptop to uni.
  4. tehpyro

    Room allocation?

    It varies, but if I had to guess, I'd say the 20th of February would be a reasonable date for room allocations to be added. The timetables are not finalised on any set date. In most circumstances, the timetable you have now is accurate (except for the rooms, of course, since it just says TBA)...
  5. tehpyro

    Help with subject allocations

    From what I can see, everything looks good to go. Now you're able to see the dates that I was talking about =D Just remember to check each week to make sure you're going to the right lecture (if they're not in the same room, which TBA will show later), haha.
  6. tehpyro

    The UTS 'Places to Eat + Things to Do' Thread

    If it's a 30 minute gap, people tend to hang around the uni. Not too much time to do anything significant-- 1hour + and people usually leave... unless they want to catch up on work. Some people will get Maccas/KFC/Subway etc in short breaks between classes since they're all close to UTS, but...
  7. tehpyro

    Help with subject allocations

    3-4 days/week is common (depending on course). A good few science students will have 5 days/week, but if your schedule is only showing 3 and you've selected all the classes for each of the subjects you need, it should be right.
  8. tehpyro

    Help with subject allocations

    Yes, it is all good (what the system shows is correct), but no, you don't just attend one of each. As I said, you'll have to attend each of the lectures and each of the tutorials, but classes scheduled for the same day/time (as in, Friday at 9am) will not run in the same week. Lecture 1 may...
  9. tehpyro

    Help with subject allocations

    The problem with My Subject Activities is that it doesn't show dates when choosing subjects, only once your final timetable is built. You have to attend all of those classes that you chose, but once your final timetable is built (click on My Allocations at the top right of the My Subject...
  10. tehpyro


    Grade point average. It's a way of measuring academic achieving used... in a lot of countries. Here's a page on it from My Student Admin.
  11. tehpyro

    Need help with timetable D:

    What Aeriff said-- also, you select the subjects/times for the entire year. You can theoretically hold off on selecting Spring Semester subjects until the end of Autumn semester, but you won't get very good spots =D
  12. tehpyro

    what was your very first computer?

    We had a Commodore 64 as my first computer-- moved to Windows in 1995. MOS 6510 @ < 1 MHz 64kb RAM 20kb ROM
  13. tehpyro

    UTS Travel Concession Stickers for 2010????

    No, it's a sticker that goes on top of the student ID card.
  14. tehpyro

    what was UTS b. business city campus cut off you think

    Well, the final round is normally lower than the main round, since they're just scrounging around to fill the last places-- no point setting it higher since those better scoring students are probably already doing the courses they wanted.
  15. tehpyro

    Tut attendence

    It varies from subject to subject. Some coordinators (or lecturers) don't set tutorials as a requirement, while others expect you to show up to all of them. Accounting for Business in 2008 (not sure about 2009/2010) made tutorials optional, whereas Managing People and Organisations made all...
  16. tehpyro

    Business/IT Dual Degree

    The IT/Business degree is never busy, per se. A lot of work is expected of you outside of class (a lot of homework), so they limit how much time you have to be in class. 12-15 hours is normal. Science, on the other hand, has 24 hour/week timetables, since they cannot complete lab work at home...
  17. tehpyro

    bbus/bsciit textbooks

    Each lecturer will hand out a subject outline in the first week (unless they're lazy) that lists the required and recommended books for that subject-- so you'll receive one list per subject. If you're not wanting to wait until the first/second/third week to buy books (The book-store is packed...
  18. tehpyro

    bbus/bsciit textbooks

    Not really, no. Some tutors will request you bring a book with you, but most are indifferent. I've not been in a class where you do readings-- they expect you to do that in your own time. Lectures are for lecturing (you'll take notes) and tutorials are for practical work (mostly). I find myself...
  19. tehpyro

    Help with choosing subjects in Science in information technology???!!

    In the end, it really depends on how you choose to work in your major/sub-major/elective subjects. As I said, there are only 7 core subjects available in your first year, so you have to take a major or an elective (including sub-major) subject in your first year... but you should really be...
  20. tehpyro

    Help with choosing subjects in Science in information technology???!!

    Each major has a corresponding sub-major, but you can't do both. The sub-major is less intensive and has fewer subjects, but all of the subjects in the sub-major are also in the major. Yes, I covered that in this post in another thread. If you're not in a combined degree, one of your subjects...