Search results

  1. tehpyro

    Bachelor of Science Information Technology

    The estimate is about $30,000, but it varies. They can't pay you less than minimum wage, obviously, but it's also a job you have to find yourself, which means it's no different than if you took a year off from university, except the job has to be acceptable for the diploma, and you have to take...
  2. tehpyro

    Help with choosing subjects in Science in information technology???!!

    The handbook is probably the best place to look for subjects-- there are so many that it'd be very hard to just list them all. Take a look at an area that interests you. When you find a subject, click on 'Access Restrictions' (it's usually at the bottom of the page for each subject). If it: 1)...
  3. tehpyro

    Help with choosing subjects in Science in information technology???!!

    The electives in the handbook almost exclusively say "Free choice of electives.", which is not very helpful to students. You are correct, electives are just subjects not related to your major/sub-major. They can come from another sub-major, or from another major, or could just be a free-choice...
  4. tehpyro

    bbus/bsciit textbooks

    If I had to guess, it looks like UTS has given Co-op the subject details, but no list of books (whereas other subjects will simply say there are no books). Web Systems did not have a book when I did it in 2008, nor did Chris Wong's other class I have taken, so I very much doubt there will be one...
  5. tehpyro


    You wouldn't need to worry about the +1 other elective this year (choose it when you have to enrol in subjects for 2011), since you could use a subject in the Computer Graphics and Animation sub-major to fill that last subject. I would suggest you enrol in: FIRST YEAR Autumn semester...
  6. tehpyro

    IT Camp 2010

    I enrolled in 2008, so they may have changed it this year, but my experience was of 4 stations, one of which was signing up for camp. One was the 'I showed up for enrolment' station, another was actual enrolment, and the last was 'take a photo and get your ID'. Each is in a different room. The...
  7. tehpyro

    IT Camp 2010

    Your default status is not going. They will ask you to sign-up at enrolment, I think, though I've heard they're doing it through email. You can simply not pay and not turn up, if you're not interested in going. If they hassle you about it, tell them you cannot make it (for whatever reason), and...
  8. tehpyro


    Let's say you want to take the networking major. At enrolment, you'll probably enrol in: FIRST YEAR Autumn semester Communication for IT Professionals Introduction to Information Systems Programming Fundamentals Web Systems Spring semester Business...
  9. tehpyro

    IT Camp 2010

    You would not miss anything essential to the course. Things covered on the camp include, from memory, buying books, what lectures/tutorials are like, what you do if you're having problems (and dispute escalation), how to apply for a special circumstances exemption/extension (since deadlines in...
  10. tehpyro


    There are two steps to enrolment-- enrolling in classes for the year (8 subjects)-- and choosing sessions (as in, timeslots) for each subject. After you've chosen your times, you'll have a timetable. You'll do both of these at your enrolment session, as well as get a student ID.
  11. tehpyro

    bbus/bsciit textbooks

    Are you searching by subject, or book title? A good few IT subjects do not have books-- they take a more hands-on (or online) approach. It's possible that the subjects you're taking don't require any books, which would certainly be lucky, but I'm not so sure what's going on here. If you still...
  12. tehpyro

    The UTS 2010 Rollcall

    Bachelor of Science in IT 3rd year.
  13. tehpyro

    Laptops @ UTS

    I've seen a handful of laptops (at least) in each lecture I've been in, and at least 1 in each tutorial. The lecturers have no problem with them being there as long as you're doing work. Also, a lecturer cannot take a laptop for 2 weeks (or two hours or two minutes). They have no authority...
  14. tehpyro

    Business 2010

    In few words, no, you cannot have 4 IT subjects and 0 business, nor 3 and 1. 2 and 2 is the only approved course layout. I don't know if there's any rule that will stop you from enrolling in 4 of the same course subjects at a time, but the Business faculty in particular looks down on it. They'll...
  15. tehpyro

    Recording lectures

    Most lecturers do not record their lectures. There are a select few who will, but most do not bother. There's certainly no faculty policy on the issue. The slides from the lectures are almost always put online, and depending on the subject, tutorial questions (and maybe answers) are, too...
  16. tehpyro

    where are the lectures and tuts?

    Most of first semester business is in buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 (IIRC). They're all very close, so you shouldn't worry about timing. We'd sometimes run over to Maccas to get a bite in between our no-gap classes =D. I quit that half of my degree after the first 4 subjects, so I'm not sure where you...
  17. tehpyro

    IT Camp 2010

    It is 'compulsory' every year, but I use that word very lightly. The faculty will more or less state that you have to attend, but the consequences of not going are very minor (not getting to meet people, missing out on basic university guidelines and information etc.)
  18. tehpyro

    Help with choosing subjects in Science in information technology???!!

    Your two interests are very different-- -programming and networking are not covered in-depth together. The Internetworks and Applications major does cover a bit of Java (including JSPs), but it's certainly not comprehensive. The Enterprise Systems Development major does not cover networking at...
  19. tehpyro

    Business/IT Dual Degree

    There's a good many people who get into BScIT/BBus... they're just not on the forums =D
  20. tehpyro

    IT Camp 2010

    It's more so they could have a Bachelor of IT that was the 'superior' degree-- realistically, the BIT should be the Bachelor of Information Systems (because they focus the majority of the course on that speciality of IT), and the BScIT should be a BIT (like every other university). But yes...