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  1. tehpyro

    Compulsory attendance ??

    We used to have to write a name on a sheet after nobody turned up. We'd all go to the lecture, sign the list, then leave. Actively marking a roll? In a 300 people lecture hall, assuming the lecturer calls a name (first and last) and a student responds once every five seconds, marking the roll...
  2. tehpyro

    i thought...

    I have... once or twice... but I don't take science, so I'm not 100% sure. One of my mates in medsci said that he's pretty sure he remembers having a prac in the first week, and said that they would almost certainly send an email if it wasn't on. So uh... if it's not on, I'll give OP his home...
  3. tehpyro

    i thought...

    YOU THOUGHT WRONG Seriously, though-- if they don't send an email, it's probably on. Also, it might be an idea to wear a labcoat to a prac, even if it's your first one-- just in case.
  4. tehpyro

    What do we (first year students) bring on our first day of uni?

    nope, and you'll find the textbooks will serve as little more than a paper-weight in lectures, anyway. Too much to cover in the lecture-slides without having to worry about cracking open that 400 page sleeping pill.
  5. tehpyro

    about lecture notes and tutorial reading materials

    I was just suggesting an alternative study method. Realistically, you know the way you study the best-- the only real qualm I have with that method is that there's not a whole lot of space to write notes :\ Give it a little while. Some lecturers will wait until the day of the lecture to...
  6. tehpyro

    about lecture notes and tutorial reading materials

    There are a number of places. The library and the printing centre near the UTS Student Association on level 3 of the tower building are but two (but probably the main ones you'll utilise). IIRC, it's something like... 19¢ for a double-sided black-and-white print, or 11¢ for a single. The payment...
  7. tehpyro

    how 2 double my biz degree wid law

    You'll need to transfer, for one. I'd like to be able to tell you I know the procedure, but I don't. I've only ever dropped a course, never picked one up. However, and I'm 99% sure this is correct, you will need to apply through the UAC. If you're international, this is not the case (UTS will...
  8. tehpyro

    impossible to get HD in CHEM1 an 2??

    If UPASS works the same across all faculties, they'll tell you in lectures when/where the UPASS session is running, and I believe you can register once that announcement is made. You don't have to show up more than once (ie. you only need help for a particular topic), or even at all, really. I'm...
  9. tehpyro

    Tutorial straight after lecture?

    It's not too far. 5 minutes if you walk fast, 10 if you kinda dawdle. If you're late the first time, the tutor should be sympathetic, and that will give you a good estimate of how long it should take. If you sit toward the back of the lecture hall, and you know you can't make it back in time...
  10. tehpyro

    not so many business first years during today's orientation

    I guess there are three cases here. The first is that you're a very well dressed homeless man, who only owns a (very clean) suit. The second is that you come directly from or are going to work after class. The third is that for whatever reason, be it dare, punishment or challenge, you're forced...
  11. tehpyro

    No space in core/foundation subject?!

    You'll encounter 'sections' for many different classes (they're not even science faculty isolated-- I have them in IT, too). Basically, a section is a cross-class grouping. Somebody in section 1 won't share classes with people in section 2 or 3. Lectures are rarely affected by the section you...
  12. tehpyro

    What to bring?!

    They can if they want, sure. If you have a valid reason... not so much. I have yet to be kicked out, however. I guess it really depends on the tutor. Some are very laid back individuals (many are post-grad students), but others can be fairly strict (especially when you have the subject...
  13. tehpyro

    Uni Timetable

    It's a distinct possibility, but I can't actually see your new timetable. Look at the dates below the room number (on your timetable). They're pretty much the best reference in terms of class dates. Those breaks... you'll get used to them. Not as bad as they seem, I guess. You can get a fair bit...
  14. tehpyro

    not so many business first years during today's orientation

    We have a majority internationally-born student body. Something like... 52% were not born in Australia (at least that's how it was in 2007). The old thing, I guess, depends. Unless you are exceptionally young, the people you meet in business will be about your age (although SOME, but not MOST...
  15. tehpyro

    not so many business first years during today's orientation

    There are too many business students... many of them come to lectures in suits. On that note, avoid coming to a lecture in a suit, unless you need to wear one for your job. Not as cool as people believe.
  16. tehpyro

    Uni Timetable

    Orange = lecture. It's kind of stupid I guess, but they probably figured they needed some kind of colour-coding.
  17. tehpyro

    Facebook owns you

    They've already stored all of your crapz, so you may as well keep it.
  18. tehpyro

    Brendan Nelson quits politics

    Because people only understand two things-- money, and how much they spend of it.
  19. tehpyro

    Timetable question

    It's basically an explanation of the activity group you chose (here, group (section) 2). wks1/wks2, I assume, means "workshop 1/workshop 2" and the 02 means you're in group (or section) 2. So for both of your workshops, you'll be in group 2. The dates... are... well, dates. They explain that...