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  1. Sarebs

    Genetic disease screening

    I have a genetic disease, so I'm all for it. My Dad felt really guilty when he found out he'd given it to me, and I don't want my child to have to suffer unnecessarily.
  2. Sarebs

    can my mate get n awarded for this?

    I have an awesome chem teacher! Anyway, just because it's from a HSC paper doesn't mean it's a year 12 question. It could involve simple equations, lewis electron dot structures, etc...
  3. Sarebs

    B Health science

    I think you can do that with a B Liberal Arts and Science. Not 100% sure though, may be worth looking in to.
  4. Sarebs

    entertain me.

    Watch Good News Week. Entertaining as ever! Unless you don't like sex/racist/silly jokes, then go and watch the ABC. You might catch the end of 4 Corners lol.
  5. Sarebs

    Longest Band & Song Name on your iPod

    Haha I was going to put this as well.
  6. Sarebs

    Why is everyone here so damn smart?

    My bro does Physics instead of year 10 science. It's not unusual. Just saying... not insulting or anything.
  7. Sarebs

    Why is everyone here so damn smart?

    ATARs are ranks. So 90% of the people who started year 7 in 2004 will not get an ATAR in the 90s or even get an ATAR. I think that's how it works. But on here... I think we're the minority if we're not aiming for or going to get in the 90s. I'm with you, I have no idea what ATAR I'll be...
  8. Sarebs

    Y12 jersey manufacturers

    This. Ours were Canterbury, good quality. Had HEAPS of designs to pick from. Although one kid got a bunch of holes in his from welding.
  9. Sarebs

    TO: high school teenagers-the cold approach

    That's the cold approach? Haha I was thinking of like the cold shoulder and ignoring you. I don't do the cold approach... by the sounds of it.
  10. Sarebs

    took my dads v8 for a spin at 4am, without a license

    Guessing in-part intended at me? When I get money, or have fully licensed friends who own a manual, I'll defend why I can't drive a manual, with a complaint here and there.
  11. Sarebs

    took my dads v8 for a spin at 4am, without a license

    To me... it's a magical thing because I've never been taught about it, or had to deal with it, or never taken an interest in it. It's just the way it is.
  12. Sarebs

    took my dads v8 for a spin at 4am, without a license

    Grrr then my Dad lied to me as to why I couldn't drive his car.
  13. Sarebs

    took my dads v8 for a spin at 4am, without a license

    Well when you're a learner... I wouldn't rule it out. I think when you're a learner your name has to be on the forms but it doesn't cost extra.
  14. Sarebs

    took my dads v8 for a spin at 4am, without a license

    Yeah... but my name obviously isn't on their insurance forms.
  15. Sarebs

    took my dads v8 for a spin at 4am, without a license

    My rents paid for 2 or 3 lessons. They were $50 or $60 each..... which was a total waste of money!
  16. Sarebs

    took my dads v8 for a spin at 4am, without a license

    I have a job... about $60 a week, but I think it would be wiser to save my money.
  17. Sarebs

    took my dads v8 for a spin at 4am, without a license

    It sucks hey. My Dad was like "I know you Sarah, you'll never be able to drive a manual. So I not going to try with you. And you're not getting one either." He's the same with my younger brother, who could easily drive a manual! Grrr
  18. Sarebs

    took my dads v8 for a spin at 4am, without a license

    I own a car, I just wasn't allowed to own a manual (because it was a gift). And yes I'm poor... I'm 17.
  19. Sarebs

    took my dads v8 for a spin at 4am, without a license

    Thanks. Because I choose to be this way..... because no one in my family owns a manual... or in my extended family.
  20. Sarebs

    UNSW Village

    Gosh. I heard there were only eight bedroomers available so quickly clicked it and filled in my app without checking anything. So dumb...