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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    stop being rude now ur just hurting my feelings
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    u dont even know me
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    What would you do if you found out that your boyfriend's doing drugs

    i know i shouldnt generalise but from what i saw it didn't do him any favours.
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    Stop you're embarrassing me
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    What would you do if you found out that your boyfriend's doing drugs

    my best friend abused it and i watched his life spiral down. i get that it can be beneficial and is used for medical reasons but just from what ive seen it do i dont agree with it being used for fun especially by teens who mostly do it coz they think theyre cool or something
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    thanks, i didnt even know that pic was being taken at the time!
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    thats pretty sad u should be ashamed
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    what difference does it make?
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    1. rude 2. i dont care ill just be known as a "troll" but im telling da truth im reAL
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    i find it weird
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    hes making fun of me as usual -____-
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    What would you do if you found out that your boyfriend's doing drugs

    you guys keep saying that compared to other drugs its not THAT bad, yeah but that doesnt mean its not bad.
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    it doesnot say "slavery is okay" besides all those controversial things that bible bashers always like to bring up are found in the old testament, once jesus came (new testament) theres different rules
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    ok u havent read the bible shutup
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    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    theres right and wrong, people have different ideas of it
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    Offer Response Date

    okay sorry it actually is jan 17 thanks
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    What should I expect from Year 11?

    Make all your mistakes in year 11 because it doesn't count towards anything
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    Offer Response Date

    i emailed them and they said i have 10 days to accept but thanks anyway
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    The right to bear arms

    because it was an inside job