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  1. T

    Does God exist?

    what do you believe in then? serious question
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    Does God exist?

    its just a different way of thinking damn
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    Legal Studies or PDHPE

    Personally I would pick PDHPE only because I'm more interested in that They're both interesting tho, just pick the one your most interested in and can see yourself getting good marks in
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    Life after the HSC

    ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Life feels empty & without purpose since school finished haha need uni to start already ugh
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    ID for enrolment?

    how much does it cost?
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    Orientation and Course Planning~

    can we get our ID and stuff then aswell
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    Orientation and Course Planning~

    but what do u do there
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    Orientation and Course Planning~

    i would like to know this aswell
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    UWS Roll Call 2012

    Really? Me too
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    What are the major disadvantages of taking a gap year?

    This. I'd go insane lol
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    Post your desktop screenshot.

    Press print screen then copy to paint
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    The Tennis Thread

    Re: The Official Tennis Thread :(:(
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    Mental social ability is broken?

    I think its kind of a trend these days with youth to be unsocial and introverted. Also i think you're thinking about it too much. when talking to someone just go with the flow of the conversation dont worry about it that much
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    What have you eaten today?

    ive had one cracker :(
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    The Tennis Thread

    Re: The Official Tennis Thread dayum sharapova. it seems dodgy lol
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    Successfully enrolled and chose what?

    what? im up to this as well someone help lol
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    Shadowdude's EX2 Major Work

    That story was interesting and quite clever. Congrats on ur marks :)
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    The Tennis Thread

    Re: The Official Tennis Thread djokovic and nadal