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  1. gordo

    Sydney Swans 2005 AFL Premiers!

    wooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo........ GO THE SWANNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. gordo

    rob schneider at manning

    hahahaha i can;t wait on tue at manning 12pm its gonna be pretty damn funny
  3. gordo

    young celebz

    jennifer aniston looks exactly the same haha
  4. gordo

    history extension ..

    history is nothing like english, they abhor fancy words, u just have to be direct and to the point.
  5. gordo

    history extension ..

    yeh u pick it up as a yr 12 subject its broken up into 2 sections the first section u study past historians to formulate a variety of perspectives on how history operates, its purpose, its origins etc etc the second section u do a case study, there are none in the syllabus and your teacher...
  6. gordo

    iPods - which do you prefer?

    my sister got a nano today for her birthday jesus christ it is tiny, its unbeleivable
  7. gordo

    What is the first thing you'll do

    space engineering :) and then it hit me and i was lame and like, oh and wen i finish that i might transfer to medicine or something
  8. gordo

    NRL Thread

    year of the dragon
  9. gordo


    can we apply for more scholarships in 2nd yr? or is it all based on geek academic only...i.e hd averages etc i have no basis for being awarded one for next yr at all lol, but maybe there is one with some obscure criteria, like a loading for studying at the uni for more than 5 years, i know u...
  10. gordo

    What is the first thing you'll do

    i went into a first round interview with a good uai and umat and got knocked back for telling the truth. a agree 100% with sovetski, i had no idea whether i was suited for medicine and the only way to find out was by being 100% compeltely honest with my feelings towards it etc in the...
  11. gordo


    it wasn;t a stealth bomber it was a fighter jet, looked like an f16
  12. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    i'll vote for whoever i haven't heard of on the form that means they didn't fukn waste my time eating into lecture times with stupid videos and didn't tarnish the uni with a million faggot photos of themselves, (which of course they won't take down after the elections)
  13. gordo


    last night was crazy i wonder how jack will get out of this one :rolleyes:
  14. gordo

    Favourite Scene in a movie

    matrix lobby scene and wen the comet hits paris in armageddon
  15. gordo

    2004 Graduate Statistics (Starting Salaries) Out!

    frank abignale mimic
  16. gordo

    Officially Finished Project

    who cares wen u have to hand it in i hadn;t even started mine after some of my mates from other schools had to have already handed theirs in. history extn is a month before job maximum, depending on how much research u needed to do well done for finishing, ,post some of your submissions...
  17. gordo


    haha no its not me its the corset that makes it so hot scroll down so the girls face is gone that dress is amazing, my wife to be will be wearing it :) plus a veil and maybe those long white gloves that stretch halfway up to the upper arm
  18. gordo


    this is much nicer
  19. gordo

    Federer or Hewitt?

    lol are u kidding wat a rhetorical poll
  20. gordo

    Memorizing Essays.........

    if u memorise an essay and the question is a slightly different take, wat are u gonna do. a full structured essay which doesn't fully answer the question is plain obvious to the markers as a memorised one and will do crap. i recommend memorising an introductory paragraph on journies or...