Search results

  1. gordo

    Favorite fictional character

    how can u not know who super ted is didn't u watch tv as a kid he was the coolest ever
  2. gordo

    Favorite fictional character

    i'd have to go with super ted
  3. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    i was an active scissor paper rockologist
  4. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    i don't care if he is gay or watever by faggot i just mean cunt face
  5. gordo

    Check out my new PC [pic]

    go to steve simpsons office at sydney uni 50 computers in parallel to run all his experiments
  6. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    nick wood is a faggot
  7. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    so we have a 15 yr old running the src?
  8. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    any results yet?
  9. gordo

    Question about Double Degree's

    u can drop it, to complete your business degree u'd ahve to complete a certain amount of credit points worth of subjects, same with the law. so if u drop all the law subjects, u will still beg etting credit towards your business degree from your business subjects, once u have enough credit, u...
  10. gordo

    very quick q!

    you're doing hsc physics in a month how can u not know that. if u mean by use of an experiment and not just a formula, then u can do this: Construct a pendulum at least one metre long, attached at its top to a support (such as a clamp connected to a retort stand) and with a small mass...
  11. gordo


    i thought ethan was the french chicks son
  12. gordo

    Umat Scores.

    are u just being one of those ppl who are like oh did i do shit, wat, theses are my amazing scores are they crap? if u are not smart enough to realise a 98,94 and 100 isn't crap then u shouldn;t be applying for med. on another note...CONGRATS u fukn slaughtered the umat
  13. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    as anyone won yet?
  14. gordo

    Did you vote?

    i've never heard of u, so don't talk yourself up too much.
  15. gordo

    Did you vote?

    i voted below the line all 293 nancy someone was last all the lefties and anti vsu formed my 200-293 category
  16. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    so who won?
  17. gordo

    Sydney versus UNSW - whats the difference?

    wat, u brush off my last post with a grain of salt cause a friend told me, i may as well just ignore yours cause they come out your fukn arse hole. fuk, you really are a moron. think wat ever u like, i was just trying to tell u how it actually works but you've got some vendetta against...
  18. gordo

    Sydney versus UNSW - whats the difference?

    ok... except my friend doing law at unsw specifically asked the head of law and was told no law subjects are moderated at unsw. and fuk off with your irrelevant nit picking into my internet discourse...loser