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  1. gordo

    Sydney versus UNSW - whats the difference?

    yek ok moron, that's why torts' marks arn't moderated to a bell curve. shut your hole and tops for your research mate.
  2. gordo

    rob schneider at manning

    i was ther and got a msg at 5 past that we had a 10% quiz on in the aero lec i was missing lol so i had to bolt across the uni and get there 15 mins late and do it :(
  3. gordo


    Radio and electronics required the ability to increase the voltages of signals to drive loudspeakers and other electrical devices. This could be achieved by vacuum tubes. The tubes however were fragile, lost vacuum slowly and the electrodes corroded. In 1948 Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley...
  4. gordo

    Desperate Modern Tutoring

    all u hav to do is read up on the syllabus dot points like your teachers do :)
  5. gordo

    rob schneider at manning

    cause he is fucking funny
  6. gordo

    Standard Model

    quarks, leptons and bosons ifocus on the concepts rather than the categories though
  7. gordo

    All you german-speaking freaks.

  8. gordo

    Kate Moss on cocaine

    yeh but did they waive it cause she is "regretful" or cause she makes them millions of dollars...
  9. gordo

    salary stats

    u got to uni and do a Bachelor of commerce or economics and get your accounting degree. Then you sit a series of little exams and get your CPA (practicing certificate)...that's a CPA A CA is more like a graduate degree, you go do 18 months in a big firm learning the ropes etc and then sit a...
  10. gordo

    Kate Moss on cocaine That's why she was so regretful," Ms Asarnoj said. "We are giving her a second chance." lol yeh sure, giving her a second chance to continue her million dollar...
  11. gordo

    rob schneider at manning

    nope .
  12. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    yeh that was his name i can;t beleive that kid is even out of junior high school.
  13. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    it was the one who looks like he's 16 i can;t remember his name, but if u said it i'd probly recognise it. maybe the engineering once since his posters were plastered all over the board beside the cafe and wat, u can;t rip their posters down, but u can staple yours over the top of theirs...
  14. gordo

    Sydney versus UNSW - whats the difference?

    u can suggest watever u like, but it isn;t flawed because its true... (if u read my initial post in this thread on the first page) and in regards to "By suggesting that unsw has 20% CP and a lower % exam gordo seems to think that this will result in more HD's or that it is somehow easier."...
  15. gordo

    Whats the difference between photo and solar cells?

    Solar cells, or photovoltaic devices, use a silicon semiconductor to convert sunlight, or any visible light, into electrical energy. When sunlight falls on a junction between n-type and p-type semiconductor material, electrons are ejected from atoms. These electrons are collected to form a...
  16. gordo

    space travel

    remember, if u look from the frame of reference of the astronaut, then the earth is travelling away from him at 0.8c and he is stationary, therefore time on earth would dilate and the clock would go slower there. just sub the numbers into the formula
  17. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    hahaha i was havin lunch yesterday on the engo lawn and some guy goes to this dude behind me, hey can u rip down all those posters, u can do it as long as you arn;t another campaigner. and the guy went and ripped down a bout 40 posters which completely covered the notice board of some gay src...
  18. gordo

    Sydney versus UNSW - whats the difference?

    err did u miss my point entirely? i said unsw hands out higher marks than usyd in particular subjects, wat are u ranting about? and your analysis on the teaching process is so flawed i won;t even begin.. oh and beleive me, they don;t need an incentive to discuss legal issues, they don;t...
  19. gordo

    Sydney versus UNSW - whats the difference?

    well i know for torts, at sydney, we have 80% exam and 20% take home assignment at unsw, it is 50% take home assignment, 20% for just attending class and 30% exam i wonder which uni will giv out more hd's...
  20. gordo

    theres this guy............

    go stuff some more beer down your throat