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  1. gordo


    i wonder where beruz araz went though
  2. gordo


    yup i am very content
  3. gordo

    space question -"-

    gravitiational force is a function of mass and displacement. If u can;t work it out from there drop physics
  4. gordo

    NRL 2005 Draw

    dragons ALWAYS get the late byes
  5. gordo

    And soon, only 11 angry men...

    doesn't the idea of 1 jury member having reasonable doubt undermine the essence of the system 1/12 basically means its ok to convict the defendant if there is a 1/12 or less chance he did it. so if there is a less than 8.5% chance he did the crime, he should be guilty, is that a reasonable...
  6. gordo

    The Daylight Savings Conspiracy

    all it means is that get to start voting an hour earlier they don;t get an hour less wat stupid fucks
  7. gordo

    how do you get "the V"

    having sex with a putting green
  8. gordo

    It is getting hard to justify...

    how fukn stupid were those muslims bashing the press with 10 cameras filming in melbourne yesterday. Talk about asking for a criminal/civil assault/battery charge...
  9. gordo

    BOS English Premier League Fantasy Soccer/Football League

    hmm who to make captian for this week without drogba lampard will the chance of assists with united playing charlton and liverpool playing portsmouth, is it best to go with van nistelroy or cisse, or even rooney choices choices i'd put in chimbonda except they are playing arsenal
  10. gordo


    the final is the night before my exam jack's gonna giv himself up to the chinese i rkn its says there is a huge twist though, i wonder wat it will be
  11. gordo

    BOS English Premier League Fantasy Soccer/Football League

    wat a crappy week chimponda got half my points
  12. gordo

    40 year old virgin

    40 yr old virgin just saw it, it was very amusing worth seeing for the crack ups in the cinema audience
  13. gordo


    your so stoked u came home and sat at your computer
  14. gordo


    well a scud missile goes 1 mile/s so thats 5800 km/h
  15. gordo


    how can the missile still be in the air it would travel at like 3000 km/h and it was laucnhed from the middle of america and has been going for an hour
  16. gordo

    Some handbooks up

    fuk they give such conflicitng information about my degree the handbook says totally different stuff to a letter they sent 4 months ago about changes to the degree for next yr.
  17. gordo

    BOS English Premier League Fantasy Soccer/Football League

    whens the last time a defender got u 15 points :)
  18. gordo

    What are you currently Reading?

    seven ancient wonders - matthew reilly
  19. gordo

    Section I - WWI and its Aftermath

    wat u mean tyhe worst part of the course is over did u do ww1 separate to the rest?