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  1. gordo

    99 UAI with no Premier's award?

    the girl who duxed my old school when I was in year 8 got a 100 UAI and didn;t get a premier's award from then onwards THe premiers award became a crock in my mind, even back then.
  2. gordo


    chase is the king i hope he comes back he chopped his hand off remember
  3. gordo

    Times Higher Education 2005 World Rankings: USyd ranked higher than UNSW

    lol its amusing to see the extent to which people can argue about inane subject matter in order to protect stabs at their factitious reputation on an internet forum. Manly, surely your superior dialectic could be used more productively elsewhere.
  4. gordo

    The perfect guy/girl

    one that doesn't post on internet forums
  5. gordo

    You call that an Exam?

    cause they are stupid fucks
  6. gordo

    MATH1905 exam

    u sure u arn't given tables? in 1005 they give us tables
  7. gordo

    You call that an Exam?

    how can u be angry the exam was easy and u went well u stupid fucks
  8. gordo


    i feel exactly the same i hope jack shoots her, so does the rest of my family
  9. gordo

    Times Higher Education 2005 World Rankings: USyd ranked higher than UNSW

    although TIME is a well established magazine, so its studies coule be relevant. However, I think the university one is directed mostly at post graduate work. Yes undergards get taught at universities, but they are just taught what we already know. The post grads/research students are extended...
  10. gordo

    Times Higher Education 2005 World Rankings: USyd ranked higher than UNSW

    the same purpose womens' day serves. It makes money for a company by filling pages of a magazine You think the rankings were a noble cause or a marketing scheme to sell another magazine? If its the former they'd pay due attention to how the survey was conducted, e.g. the strict criteria of...
  11. gordo

    historiography 4 indochina

    if u want the most interesting histiography on indochina look up a guy called william appleman williams I have a few notes i did on him, maybe even a draft essay Its very different from the mainstream stuff you learn at school, its centred on the US bid to put a stranglehold on the closed...
  12. gordo

    Why do some law firms want to see VCE/HSC results?

    Remember it is not always about the content, it is about the analytical/logical approach. A lawyer who knows the content of every law in the book but can't apply them correctly is far less effective than one who has to research the law but knows exactly which ones he or she is looking for...
  13. gordo

    Who was like the best at commerce in year 9/10?

    i came 1st in yr 9 and 10 in commerce i thought it was the stupidist subject at school u learned common sense definitions and how to do balance sheets IF you want to sell a pen for profit...make the selling price higher than the buying price!!!!! revelation.
  14. gordo

    BOS English Premier League Fantasy Soccer/Football League

    88 point week :D
  15. gordo


    i got an aftershave in egypt wen i was there its called ramsses and is like a thickish oil in a small bottle it smells so unique, i like it
  16. gordo

    Sport Trivia

    everyone will just google the answers, these things never work
  17. gordo

    BOS English Premier League Fantasy Soccer/Football League

    haha i had chimbonda..wat a legend i got screwed over by my two united strikers and 2 charlton defenders though, as i will again next week wen united play chelsea since i had to force transfer a defender since 2 were injured.
  18. gordo

    WoW Expansion

    WoW was a very thrilling game but after playing it and getting to lvl 60 and seeing what a big waste of time it was in retrospect, I am in no way tempted to reactivate my account and get an expansion. I'll sell u my account if u want, its got a lvl 60 tauren druid, lvl 40 undead mage and sub...
  19. gordo

    Help with particle accelerator dot pt plz

    that was our hsc question last year so they won't ask it again I hadn't really learned much about that dot point so i started talking about CERN from dan brown's Angels and Demons and the collision of high speed particles