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  1. H

    CSSA ext2 trial

    回复: Re: CSSA ext2 trial arent u happy with this???:eek:
  2. H

    CSSA trial extension 1

    回复: Re: CSSA trial extension 1 1 more here
  3. H

    CSSA ext2 trial

    回复: Re: CSSA ext2 trial WWWWWHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTT the f*** i completetly forgot to do the last 2part of Q7(b), what happened to me???? i did not see that shit part at all,how a easy 4marks!!!! = =,
  4. H

    Cambridge,specimen papers,Qs

    回复: Re: Cambridge,specimen papers,Qs lol Spec 2 Q7 was actually 1 of the Qs in my trial paper lol
  5. H

    CSSA trial extension 1

    回复: Re: CSSA trial extension 1 SSSSSLLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWWW:eek:
  6. H

    CSSA ext2 trial

    回复: Re: CSSA ext2 trial mine one was not CSSA.... but Q4(b) Q6(a) Q7(b) Q8(a) r the same...... i skipped Q4(b) (iii) Q8(a) last 2parts wht's the answers for Q6(a) ??
  7. H

    CSSA ext2 trial

    回复: Re: CSSA ext2 trial lol any1 here???? do u find the directrices of rectangular hyperbola??? 2.when using the method of cylindrical shells to find volumes, how do u get the radius of the circle if the strips u chosen is on the LHS of the y-axis??(p.s. rotates about y-axis)
  8. H

    CSSA trials physics

    回复: Re: CSSA trials physics im back... i couldnt do most of them,although i found it's not hard at all......... i'll be happy with 50%........
  9. H

    2007 CSSA tria

    回复: Re: 2007 CSSA tria me2 -.-
  10. H

    SO how did you go?

    回复: Re: SO how did you go? like dreaming during the exam......
  11. H

    2007 CSSA tria

    回复: Re: 2007 CSSA tria my aim for phys----->70%
  12. H

    CSSA trial extension 1

    回复: Re: CSSA trial extension 1
  13. H

    CSSA ext2 trial

    回复: Re: 回复: CSSA ext2 trial post the Qs up, we'll judge it :rofl:
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    回复: Textbooks
  15. H

    CSSA ext2 trial

    回复: CSSA ext2 trial not yet,phys 2morrow =.=
  16. H

    CSSA trial extension 1

    回复: Re: CSSA trial extension 1 i have phy 2, damn....
  17. H

    Hardest Topic in 3unit?

    回复: Re: Hardest Topic in 3unit? Shm
  18. H

    CSSA trial extension 1

    回复: Re: CSSA trial extension 1 drop? u still got hope,cmon,work much harder from now on....
  19. H

    Catholic School Trials

    回复: Re: Catholic School Trials maths Ext 1was hard,i was pretty confident to get 90+%,however i skipped a couple of Qs,dat's no hope foe me....... but they are over,exam and my life............
  20. H

    how to use the casio fx-9860G AU calculator

    回复: Re: how to use the casio fx-9860G AU calculator wrong calculator??? :confused: