回复: how to use the casio fx-9860G AU calculator
u ask this sort of Qs in 1 day b4 ur exam???
i couldnot find cubed button as well.......
but it should be easy to work out cubed
to find 3^3
u can just press like 3x3x3
回复: The Parabola
it isnt that hard actually.....maybe,probably,not sure........
with the axis parralel to the y axis
means the parabola could be either concave up or down, or could be both....
in my opinion, i prefer concave up only.....
i found that a parabola with n-shape couldnot pass...
回复: Re: CSSA trial extension 1
does any1 remember this Qs ?
looks like that, how did u guys go for this one,i couldnt do the last part...
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i got some ugly fraction as well, but finally could be canceled out all the V,g,T that sort of stuffs....
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ok , let's ignore this frist...
how about that projectile one , Q6
how come i got for the height at 1/4T was even higher than its max height:confused: