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  1. Triple777ER

    What are you guys doing to study?

    I am going to rape my books and study hardcore style for a whole month and live the rest of my non-hsc life.
  2. Triple777ER

    An Australian Top Gear ??!!

    Australian Stig = Mark Webber. No surprises. But i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't webber, because its so obvious/
  3. Triple777ER

    Will you be booted out of the house if you do not achieve a good UAI?

    What airline you deciding to fly? Ask them for first class tickets.
  4. Triple777ER

    Graduation Discussion

    Re: Graduation Day Flood alert
  5. Triple777ER

    Flying to South Korea & Hong Kong

    what airline are you flying? Korean Air?
  6. Triple777ER

    Graduation Discussion

    Re: whens your graduation hmm, 3 people have cried before graduation and 7 haven't.
  7. Triple777ER

    last week of formal school

    LAST DAY TODAY I am going to miss the school environment, teachers and friends. High school is the best days of your life
  8. Triple777ER

    Graduation Discussion

    Re: Graduation Day AlphaKiloTango, you go to Carlingford high?
  9. Triple777ER

    aviation (pilot)

    you lot are better off doing Engineering Studies at high school, rather than spend so much time going to TAFE, although i am not saying, its a waste. I am doing Engineering Studies, and i certainly think it is worth it. They have the focus module, Aeronautical Engineering and that is good...
  10. Triple777ER

    Qantas A380!

    A380 pilots are having a ball in sydney, before they head off to France.
  11. Triple777ER

    Qantas A380!

    oh hell yeah and especially because they are the 300ER's. The HUUUUUGE GE-90 engines!
  12. Triple777ER

    Best place you've been?

    Dubai, even lived there for 5years.
  13. Triple777ER

    Qantas A380!

    HSC exams next month, so until then, no aircraft for me, except for looking at them while walking to school.
  14. Triple777ER

    Beng in Computer Science

    sorry, i meant Bachelor of engineering in computer engineering, not comp science. So, for Computer Engineering, do i have to do a flexible first year engineering course? is an interview required?
  15. Triple777ER

    Beng in Computer Science

    Bachelor of computer engineering
  16. Triple777ER

    Beng in Computer Science

    What is the difference between Beng and Bscience in Computer science. Does this course require me doing the flexible first year course? Also, do i have to attend an interview for this course? I am gambling between IT at UTS and Comp science in UNSW Thanks.
  17. Triple777ER

    Ive been studing xhrs on average per day since trials.....

    4hours weekdays. Thanks to my high motivation.
  18. Triple777ER

    Four Teens knifed 666 times each and eaten

    what Has This World Become?
  19. Triple777ER

    BscIT or Beng CS

    Hey guys, i am gambling between Bachelor of science on Information Technology at UTS and Bachelor of engineering in Computer Science at UNSW. Can anyone tell me what's the main difference? And, who gets the better preference, if any, if i wanted to do my post-graduation overseas and sit for my...