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  1. Triple777ER

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    Re: Year 12 Jerseys Mine says "THE AVIATOR"
  2. Triple777ER

    is the hsc hard? .__."

    as someone in this forum has pointed out The HSC has sucked **** that sums up the HSC basically.
  3. Triple777ER

    is the hsc hard? .__."

  4. Triple777ER


    Hi, Dai Don't drop Physics, because you will be needing it more than Engineering Studies. How are you going in Maths Ext1? You certainly don't absoutely need ext1, drop down to 2U and stick with it. In yr12 Engineering gets pretty hard so, if you think you won't do good, drop it.
  5. Triple777ER

    Guys true story

    Because you are one.
  6. Triple777ER

    Guys true story

    That Ladies and Gentlemen is EPIC FAIL
  7. Triple777ER

    UAI estimate . . . please =)

    Hi there dinomite, i am estimating around 95-98
  8. Triple777ER

    Estimate please

    Hi there Dylan, i am estimating around 75-78
  9. Triple777ER

    Favourite airline?

    Thai 747's, A300's and A330's do not have personal entertainment. Their A340's and 777's have on-demand TV.
  10. Triple777ER

    Gave up myspace..

    Give up Bebo and start RSVP
  11. Triple777ER

    Gave up myspace..

    give up myspace and start bebo
  12. Triple777ER

    Fav/Worst Airport

    One in particular that i have is Amsterdam Schipol Its HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!
  13. Triple777ER

    Help with Engineering drawings

    The other day i was revising for Engineering and found it ridiculously hard to do some of the engineering drawings, so decided to search for some good guides and here are some that i have found which i found quite useful.
  14. Triple777ER

    Fav/Worst Airport

    Ah sorry, about that. But if you had a chance you would have gone there right?
  15. Triple777ER

    Fav/Worst Airport

    Being a plane spotter, you forgot to have Kai Tak on your list unless ofcourse you didn't visit it.
  16. Triple777ER

    Bollywood Movies

    There is always a fuckwit like this guy on every forum who tries to make himself sound funny with obscure comments The simple question is "Who else watched Bollywood movies?" It's a simple yes or no answer. No one asked for your opinion.
  17. Triple777ER

    Anyone chosing Aviation?

    What are your subjects?
  18. Triple777ER

    Trials 2008

    we have 4 people in our class We got our results back, got 63% for trials, which i am not satisfied with. Its extremely difficult to get 80 in this subject. Time to look for an engineering tutor :P
  19. Triple777ER

    Beijing Olympics 2008 Discussion Thread

    Closing Ceremony = Extended Version Of Opening Ceremony + "good Bye" Posters