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  1. Triple777ER

    Dreams about the HSC.

    I had a dream last night, the HSC was over
  2. Triple777ER

    CSSA Mathematics Advanced Paper

    Thanks, but you did better :D
  3. Triple777ER

    Thoughts on Paper 1 of the CSSA Trial Exam

    yeah, i believed your mark, but the other person, that's a bit farfetched, but if he did get it, well done to him.
  4. Triple777ER

    Trials 2008

    Nope, we will get our marks back soon, but the papers aren't going to be handed out until 29th because of some 'cool down' period, so as not to share information to others doing trials.
  5. Triple777ER

    CSSA Mathematics Advanced Paper

    I got 91% for the exam
  6. Triple777ER

    Thoughts on Paper 1 of the CSSA Trial Exam

    Do you expect us to believe that?
  7. Triple777ER

    Fav/Worst Airport

    Favourite airport: Sydney, Dubai Worst : Bangkok (suvarnabhumi airport), my gosh the chairs are pure hard rock, no leather, no comfort at all What are yours?
  8. Triple777ER

    Trials 2008

    i think concrete and bridges was the report ours was based on. Did you get your marks back?
  9. Triple777ER

    Thoughts on Paper 1 of the CSSA Trial Exam

    i got 77% overall in the Exam
  10. Triple777ER

    Singapore Airlines A380

    yeah, its good for us aviation enthusiasts, i love loud aircraft. Not for him though
  11. Triple777ER

    Im Gonna Turn My Life Around

    don't stop shooting the shit my friend, TAP THAT SHIT
  12. Triple777ER

    Nervous Breakdown

    yeah Trials finished on 15th August, my b'day, so yeah it was pretty relaxing.
  13. Triple777ER

    Round the World

    Fly with these aircraft, A340-600, B747-400, B777-300/ER
  14. Triple777ER

    how to be a 747 pilot

    My uncle is a 747-400F captain with Cargolux. You need to get an impressive mark in high school to stand out in the competition. If you want to get on with your career straight away, you apply for Cadetship, Qantas, Etihad, CX, etc. It will take a lot of time and patience to get to the seniority...
  15. Triple777ER

    UAI - Picking the subjects that scale or the subjects you like

    Ok, if you pick the subjects you like, suppose if they are low scaling subjects, you are going to end up with an impressive UAI. Yes, they all say, pick the subjects you like, that's BULLSHIT my friend. If you are serious about the HSC and want to get a good UAI, do the high scaling subjects and...
  16. Triple777ER

    Too late to get a UAI of 95+?

    very intense there :D
  17. Triple777ER

    Too late to get a UAI of 95+?

    don't worry about it. Ask us when you get to yr12
  18. Triple777ER

    woot singapore and bangkok

    Singapore 747-400 or a 777-300? Lately, i have seen SIA 777's flying around Sydney rather than the 747's.
  19. Triple777ER

    Trials 2008

    We had 2 drawing questions, one was worth 3marks and the other 4marks. Our teacher just asked us to do a freehand, we will be concentrating more on drawing after the trials :P. How many did you have?
  20. Triple777ER

    Trials 2008

    We had ours today, 15th August. It was an independent trial exam. It was fair