Oh well, it's in now.... and as much as i am very disappointed about the outcome, no amount of campaigning will reverse this decision. I suppose unions had better start planning for the future.....
OK, Sometimes I have hang-ups about the way I look, buty increasingly, i have deided that I like my body. Besides, there are benefits from not having perfect proportions.... My best friend and I were shopping in myers, and we saw a mannequin adorned in a hot swim suit, and she said...
use ingrow-go from skin doctors. I find that after about 3 days the bumps calm down and/or the hair is easy to extract. that sounds rather gross, but oh well....
well i know everybody is jumping for joy now, but I'm not happy. In fact, I'm disgusted. But don't consider this as a personal attack against any young liberals on this board (my best friend is a young liberal). John howard and his band of plotters (costello, abbott and nelson) in my humble...
hey, i just realised i had the 5100th post. Go me!
yeah they're all going to go to the same college i think. But i think it'll be to a fictional one. OC university or something....
i'll be back! maybe even in 2007....
don't you worry, science/commerce will still be represented.....
well my WAM went up to 71.8, but my GPA has decreased to 5.3 (grr stuff being so close to distinctions in 3 subjects!)
65 Credit - Chemistry 1B
71 Credit - introductory macroeconomics (had I not screwed up the second class test i would have gotten a distinction)
73 - Credit - Discrete mathematics (they scaled this down big time)
74 Credit - Statistics...
well My boobs are no bigger than an A cup (I'm a dancer ok?) But I'm tall, and whilst I'm fairly slim (size 9-10), I do have toned thighs and an ass, unlike 90% of the population of females at usyd, who have thighs that are as small as my calves, and boobs that are three times bigger than mine...