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  1. llamalope

    Update me on VSU

    Oh well, it's in now.... and as much as i am very disappointed about the outcome, no amount of campaigning will reverse this decision. I suppose unions had better start planning for the future.....
  2. llamalope

    How should Bfs response to the tough questions by their GFs?

    OK, Sometimes I have hang-ups about the way I look, buty increasingly, i have deided that I like my body. Besides, there are benefits from not having perfect proportions.... My best friend and I were shopping in myers, and we saw a mannequin adorned in a hot swim suit, and she said... "You...
  3. llamalope


    use ingrow-go from skin doctors. I find that after about 3 days the bumps calm down and/or the hair is easy to extract. that sounds rather gross, but oh well....
  4. llamalope

    Update me on VSU

    well i know everybody is jumping for joy now, but I'm not happy. In fact, I'm disgusted. But don't consider this as a personal attack against any young liberals on this board (my best friend is a young liberal). John howard and his band of plotters (costello, abbott and nelson) in my humble...
  5. llamalope

    Gilmore Girls

    God love Gilmore girls. This shall be my holiday saviour!
  6. llamalope

    the OC

    hey, i just realised i had the 5100th post. Go me! yeah they're all going to go to the same college i think. But i think it'll be to a fictional one. OC university or something....
  7. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    i'll be back! maybe even in 2007.... don't you worry, science/commerce will still be represented..... well my WAM went up to 71.8, but my GPA has decreased to 5.3 (grr stuff being so close to distinctions in 3 subjects!)
  8. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    uni gave me permission to defer for a year. So i'm going. But i will either be back in 1 year, or 3 years to finish my degree.
  9. llamalope

    the OC

    go mto and find out
  10. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    I'd say that 'favours' may help your appeal. Especially if your lecturer is a man. If it's a woman.... it's worth a try anyway :p
  11. llamalope

    The Official Band Dissing Thread

    I'm beginning to like you more and more.... :p
  12. llamalope

    double major in psychology

    you can still do the amount of psyc for a double major, but it just won't say 'double major" thats what I'm doing anyway.
  13. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    OH FUCK! TALK ABOUT CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT..... 65 Credit - Chemistry 1B 71 Credit - introductory macroeconomics (had I not screwed up the second class test i would have gotten a distinction) 73 - Credit - Discrete mathematics (they scaled this down big time) 74 Credit - Statistics...
  14. llamalope

    the OC

    uni gave me special permission to defer for a year.
  15. llamalope

    do guys really like skinny girls?

    yeah, big hips=good childbearer.
  16. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    there's nothing wrong with wanting to be an accountant AND a dancer.
  17. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Dude! how did you manage 97????? congrats!!!!!
  18. llamalope

    do guys really like skinny girls?

    @ Asylum...wouldn't you like to know ;) oh the benefits of having muscles, AND being flexible. think of the possibilities
  19. llamalope

    Period Pain Medication-GIRLS ONLY

    excersise, hot bath, naprogesic (or if not available, panadine of nurofen plus), hot water bottle, and avoid sugary foods
  20. llamalope

    do guys really like skinny girls?

    well My boobs are no bigger than an A cup (I'm a dancer ok?) But I'm tall, and whilst I'm fairly slim (size 9-10), I do have toned thighs and an ass, unlike 90% of the population of females at usyd, who have thighs that are as small as my calves, and boobs that are three times bigger than mine...