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  1. llamalope

    do guys really like skinny girls?

    wow. I do not fit any of those categories :rolleyes: There's no hope for me! :p
  2. llamalope

    the OC

    yeah but you don't have any episodes p;ast episode 7. So there's no point in taking you up on your offer, because most people on here would have seen up to that point. In other new, I recon that after a shaky start, season 3 will definately pick up. It's obviously going to end with their...
  3. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    raaahhhhh so close to having stats back, yet so far....
  4. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Fuck Yes!!!!! 65 In Chemistry! I Am A Genius!!!!!!!! Had I got 3/3 instead of 0/3 for my lab assessment, I would have gotten the same mark as last semester.
  5. llamalope


    I personally wouldn't be a stripper, but one of my good friends went for a job as a podium dancer at a club. I would consider doing that.
  6. llamalope

    Madonna-Hung Up & Confessions On A Dancefloor

    She's a proffessional muso (cellist)... actually my whole family are(it's rather intimidating being in a family where my grandma played for the opening of the ABC, my grandpa got his L.Mus violin at 16, my mum played with everybody under the sun and my dad was the best jazz player to come out of...
  7. llamalope

    the OC

    yeah but you don't have the new ones, do you. No.
  8. llamalope

    Laser Hair Removal

    yeah... they fry the hair follicle by discharging an electrical impulse through it. doesn't sound like fun to me. but then neither does wax.
  9. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Just thought I'd ask. I saw her on friday and she asked me if I knew somebody called adam doing the same course as me at sydney... thought it could have been the same one. apparently not. Stas, I went to SGHS in year 7 and 8. Therefore I know everybody there. If'd I'd stayed there, I'd have...
  10. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    hey adamsaclown, do you know somebody called jane who went to SGHS? random question, I know
  11. llamalope

    Laser Hair Removal

    yeah but think of it this way. With lazer hair removal, they target each hair ONE BY ONE. That would hurt like hell. I don't see how that could take 5 mins, unless you have asian (read:sparse) hair down there. With wax they just apply it and rip it off, and (unless you have a really bodgy...
  12. llamalope

    the OC

    yeah but "summer on 10" is talking about the non-ratings period
  13. llamalope

    the OC

    Late january, when the ratings season begins, as has been stated many times in the last few pages. PS, if anybody can't wait until the episodes are aired in the US, check this out Warning: spoilers on the website
  14. llamalope

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    I can't stand the wait. It's driving me crazy
  15. llamalope

    Best cash in hand jobs

    prostitution is your only option then :p
  16. llamalope


    Well madsoc (SU movement and dance society) incorperated a lap dance into one of their routines.... and unfortunately one of the guys just couldn't cope. That was the most classic moment ever!!!!
  17. llamalope

    Best cash in hand jobs

    I was totally going to suggest that. YOU STOLE MY IDEA!
  18. llamalope

    Id Advice

    Seriously, at schoolies they are REALLY VIGILANT about stuff like ID. But this shouldn't stop you having a great time. The people who aren't 18, get their friends to buy them alcohol, and just get pissed on the beach, where all the other under 18's will be. Not that I am advocating underage...
  19. llamalope

    Goodnight Seattle

    Did anybody watch the final EVER episode of Frasier last night? I'm so sad that it's over. Frasier is easily the most clever and funny sitcom ever produced in America, winning 37 emmy's in its 11 year stretch. It was funny when everyone thought he was dying, and Niles starts to cry. The...
  20. llamalope

    Madonna-Hung Up & Confessions On A Dancefloor

    haha, I thought I'd heared that hook before. My mum toured with ABBA, so I probably should have realised earlier......... Far out man.... stealing hooks is wrong. music piracy is a crime :p