Search results

  1. P

    Macquarie Bank employees

    WTF?? I asked if there was anyone else working there on this forum, not your opinion on the bank! And the fact that Macquarie is relatively small on the world scale, while also being Australia's largest investment bank demonstrates something on Australia. Did you expect it to be in the top...
  2. P

    Macquarie Bank employees

    Hey there, Just wanted to know if there are any Macquarie Bank employees out there? From any Macquarie Bank Group company. I'm at FSG, scored the job a week after my first week at uni last year. Any one else there?
  3. P

    Business at another uni vs. UTS Insearch

    At summer semester I've heard the lecturer say to some students that in this course we will be doing further things that we hadnt been doing before. I'm only assuming that he's taught those students before in either Insearch or Tafe (they're both right next door) and so you might actually have...
  4. P

    Does UTS have hoodies or Jerseys?

    I think they also have them at the uni gym. Try there.
  5. P

    Question about B Business, Kuring-gai campus

    Haha the only reason I'd transfer from kuring-gai to city is coz of transport issues you might have. Other than that, whats wrong with Kuring-gai?? Its got the same lecturers and tutors, its a much cleaner and leafier campus, and from what I've heard, the chicks are a lot hotter! I'm...
  6. P

    BBus Majors for 2006-7

    LOL I'm sure Emma Bowyer would love to hear that! haha but so true! I didnt learn a thing in that subject except something about Weber that guys name....Taylor! thats it! LOL It was only half a year ago as well!
  7. P

    Getting Interviewed at an Investment Bank

    Haha spot on. Wow baker182, you must know from experience
  8. P

    Great places to eat and fun things to do near UTS

    go to Harry's Cafe de Wheels!! MMMMMMM harry's its only down the road from Fac of Bus
  9. P

    Economics --raw Mark--approx??

    no i meant as in general, dont look at the forums about multiple choice answers, eg if you do business studies as well, which is earlier on, it just screws you up and gets you pissed off. I went to Cherrybrook, no the teacher I dont think was a particularly hard marker. She's an HSC ER...
  10. P

    Economics --raw Mark--approx??

    umm i shouldnt be telling you this but after the trials i was seriously so sick of it, didnt really a shit anymore. So I wasnt like 'oh shit i did crap, study study study'. I pretty much studies for the HSC like I did for the trials (which gave me 78!). And I kept handing in practise essays...
  11. P

    So sick of Credo/Anti VSU/Sexuality Awareness type people

    omg the elections...building 5...far out i cant even walk past the union shop without being bombarded TWICE 'have you voted' then when i say ive voted this morning, they always say behind me to each other 'do you think he voted?'...OMG! Then those dickheads outside the library in suits who...
  12. P

    Getting Interviewed at an Investment Bank

    Come join FSG at Macquarie!! I'm seriously like the only 18 year old there, the second youngest on my floor is like 28! And yea the culture at Macquarie is great, never hear any yelling or screaming! 1 question, where were the interviews held? Martin Place or Bond St?
  13. P

    scaling for this subject

    Realistically, if your good at a subject, you'll do well in it. Dont drop a subject coz it scaled badly. Its better to get, say 98, then scaled to 96, than a subject ur crap at, getting 86, scaled to like 87. (obviously rather extreme examples). I did Business studies, IPT, drama, engl(adv)...
  14. P

    Economics --raw Mark--approx??

    look dont get so fixed up on your internal mark. I just wished everyone was told about how the interal mark gets used. Your internal mark literally means nothing. It is the rank that come out of it that is important. Say for example, you are 2nd in the grade. Your internal mark is 85%...
  15. P

    Who came first in their ipt class :D

    hey cths person! how ya doin? I was class of 04 @ a girl as number 1 good on her! I was no1 for most of last year as well, then dropped to 2 at the trials (bloody cisco certified guy overtook me!). Anyway, i actually ended up 3rd post hsc with a mark of 91 (in total, dont remember...
  16. P

    Absurd: Mr and Mrs Smith

    I've got some notes here abuot the BPD that I retrieved from last year: 'Ionesco's plays lack tanditional action, characters and dialogue. Characters and dialogue is definately non-traditional 'The "Bald Prima Donna' on the surface appears to be a light comedy, but the lack of...
  17. P

    Absurd: Mr and Mrs Smith

    Well doesnt Mr and Mrs Smith exhibit meaninglessness? Dialogue...5 or 6 years marriage...whether it is one or the other, it doesnt matter. Even the fact that they have been married for 5 or 6 years is pretty irrelevant. What happens in the movie? Pretty much nothing. It is...
  18. P

    Absurd: Mr and Mrs Smith

    Hi folks, I did HSC Drama last year, did Absurdist theatre and after seeing Mr and Mrs Smith (Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie...mmmm) I couldnt help but notice such obvious links to the concept of follows: 1. Blatantly...the title Mr and Mrs Smith: 2 characters in Ionesco's The...
  19. P

    Queen Lere

    We saw it last year as well in Newtown somewhere...and everyone at my school thought it was the biggest load of shit ever..but since most of you said its pretty good hopefully they've made it better! We saw the 'premiere' so maybe thats why...didnt seem to be errors though... It was an...
  20. P

    Transformation in H and R & G are Dead

    HA! its a good production?? Thats probably coz u live in the gong and a man going 'heads...heads...heads...' is probably the most exciting thing that happens down there! and LOL you wanna call her a nerd?? man she'd prolly kick your ass you dont wanna piss her off! fuckin black belt tai kwan...