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  1. P

    Transformation in H and R & G are Dead

    LOL believe me...i saw the play wit 5 friends in 2003...didnt even know it was a hsc text (thank god i didnt do it!!!) and even the girl who was sitting next to me (who ended up with UAI 100 last year) was counting down the minutes till intermission with im not saying that since she got...
  2. P


    see i told ya...believe us...we did the hsc last yr...LOL :)
  3. P

    what is a wage explosion??

    its an explosion of money.........just like sexxxx...EXPLOSION I TELL YOU@!!!
  4. P

    Transformation in H and R & G are Dead

    LOL R&G are dead....wat a load of SHIT!! I saw the play...omfg i fell asleep in the first 10 minutes...heads....heads....heads....OMG!!!
  5. P


    frost of midnight is all about sex head butting against things things that happen at night ALL ABOUT SEX I TELL YOU look at the very first lines then all the rest is about his life, all the moments until that moment SEXXXXXX
  6. P

    Does TWI always move opposite to exchange rate?

    yea of course exports n all that affect exchange rates BUT your getting far too off track here...the question is asking ONLY about bilateral vs TWI, not why exchange rates answer the question that they ask, not go round in circles your wasting time!
  7. P

    Dave's guide to Bangkok, Singapore and Hong Kong

    yea thats coz theres soooooo many bloody flights there, so many packages there, and its the major stop on the way to london. and wit singapore airlines stopover packages @ dirt cheap prices, its a joke! Seriously walking on the road, hearing an aussie accent is like second nature of there...
  8. P

    McLake's Guide to London

    mclake did you live there?? if u know london well, i used to live in paddington near marble arch/edgeware road and that was a funky location...turn left to oxford st, turn right to kensington, paddington station (connection to heathrow express) but lots of bums walking around...once i saw this...
  9. P

    Text books enough

    gosh seriously dont go and buy 50 books for a subject! especially business studies coz its pretty much all the same. there is far too much content to cover and trust me, you WILL not have time to read it all. seriously the school provided me with 1 which i hardly used, i bought the excel...
  10. P

    What is the relationship between Inflation and Interest Rates?

    just 1 guys have said the RBA increases rates when inflation soars, or increases dramatically, or something as if it sky rockets....TOTALLY not the case... the RBA will adjust rates to try and keep inflation within the 'inflationary target band' (or some fancy name like that, cant...
  11. P

    how to use ross gittins

    oi use it as a learning aid...its not like you have to quote him or anything!
  12. P

    Does TWI always move opposite to exchange rate?

    wtf r u guys talkin about!?! TWI has nothing to do with exports and crap. TWI simply measures movements of the Aussie dollar against a basket of currencis, usually of Australia's trading partners according to their importance. In other words, if you compare bilaterally $AUD to $USD, while...
  13. P


    hey are there any in building 5 (fac of biz building)?? and do you reckon they'll all be reserved at this stage? I didnt even know about them! where do i ask?? i dont think theres like a union desk @ the fac of business...
  14. P

    Concession fare and have a job?

    I have an on-off job (@ my uncles work, I go when i want so get paid in random bits) and I'm wondering if that affects my ability to get concession fare. I signed it saying i dont have income (which most of the time i dont), can they check somehow? and if they find out what can they do?
  15. P

    OnSTAGE 05

    all i have to say is....good on ya AndrewS!
  16. P

    Apprentice 3

    holy crap how many nerds are there! i thought the geek was bad in the last 1!! THIS ONES WORSE!! wats wit the guy from collage wit the comb over!?!? like fat trump
  17. P

    related text for Coleridge

    course you can! its a text, and dali's paintings are so relevant to this topic... look for Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Age Man to get you started...thats the 1 i used
  18. P

    UTS B Business/B Law UAI artificially increased?

    AAHHH!! now your really confusing me! u didnt get in, even though ur UAI was above the cut off!?!
  19. P

    Best Economics Textbook

    eco is a subject which u need to use ur brain! learn considerably little content (or less than business studies!), then USE YOUR BRAIN to combine them... no text book is going to help you with that, so dont go spend a fortune on 3 or 4 books. i used riley, i got 95...but im not saying HE...
  20. P

    UTS Gym and athletic facilities

    yea i was walking past usyd gym on the open day...theres so much stuff there! like 3 big fields n the gym itself is pretty massive how are the classes? like yoga and kickboxing?