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  1. P

    ----People With AMAZING/UNIQUE Voices-----

    Lauren Hills got a great sister act 2
  2. P

    Which movie has made you cry??

    i cried during the last 2 matrix and oceans 12...coz they were soooooooooo damn boring!!!!
  3. P

    ip diary

    nah they actually read em in considerable detail...
  4. P

    related text for Coleridge

    thankyou captain obvious! i used coleridge (core text), movies (Eg wizard of oz, matrix), stimulus booklet, Salvador Dali painting, cant remember wat else it was so long ago!
  5. P

    ip diary

    well she told us AGES ago...something i remember but not on the top of my head...needed prodding and this post prodded my mind to that... but they do actually read your log, not just if they suspect plagerism...coz they read the group performance logs, individual performance logs, and...
  6. P

    Theatre Reviews for IP

    Thank you Skillo and Will.... look of u still think muscials are the way to go...then fine...ive done my part arguing and advising you, having done drama...if you wanna go ahead and do musicals, then go ahead and do musicals. Trust me, it wont have the slightest affect on me!
  7. P

    Information about government policies

    for macro look @ but be careful, it is composed and posted by the government and may be biased
  8. P

    Eco Help!!

    analyse - draw out implications talk about macro and micro policies (eg deregulation, etc. look up content in your book), detail what they are then IMPLICATIONS, what does each of the policies do to the economy and our competitors...remember if you have time, look for not only positives...
  9. P

    Best Economics Textbook

    try your best not to use second hand books...they become quickly outdated in economics...remember you need the very latest in up to date stats and policy data. eg hypothetically if govt used contractionary stance this budget, but an expansionary stance in your edition, if the book expands on...
  10. P

    related text for Coleridge

    look the best way is to fully analyse each poem, bring out the core concepts. then analyse related material, bring out core concepts... combine em and link em as best as possible... EG Kubla Khans pleasure dome acts as a link between both worlds (conscious and subconscious -...
  11. P

    Kubla Khan

    If you take the fact that above ground is conscious, below ground is subconscious, then the pleasure dome acts as a link between the 2 worlds (structurally above and below ground). Thus links both worlds together. Just like a dream, where things from the conscious affect the subconscious...
  12. P

    Kubla Khan

    As part of human instinct, anything we find awful, terrible, we try and stop, like a child putting a band aid on a wound, like US stopping terrorism... The above ground, 'twice five hundred miles of fertile ground', our conscious world, controllable. The below ground, 'a savage place!'...
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    try UTS BBus/BLaw and if you really must, transfer in 2nd year.
  14. P

    UTS Gym and athletic facilities

    Are there any? I know there is a room that i saw on the open day, but just the outside near the bridge between the main campus area and the one next to the ABC buidling, but it was like under construction or something and couldnt see anything. Apparantly theres a rock climbing wall or...
  15. P

    UTS B Business/B Law UAI artificially increased?

    ok im a little stupid, but what did they do to the medicine requirement to get in?? must have missed it coz its not my cup of tea... having said that, a couple of years ago a distant cousin of mine got UAI 100 and coz he did, went into medicine, 'because he could', and now apparantly he cant...
  16. P

    ip diary

    the reason they actually make you do a log (and not mark it) it because of other arts subjects. when my teacher was on the comittee writing this syllabus she wanted there 2 be no log book at all (coz its not fair since performances only get a glace, while submitted works give markers lots of...
  17. P

    UTS B Business/B Law UAI artificially increased?

    i came across an interesting article 2day in the afr... but its in the premium section, so ill post it here... The height of arrogance Dec 29 Sophie Morris Ron McCallum, the dean of law at the University of Sydney, has a...
  18. P

    Case Study

    yea but that case study is like only 2 pages long, not so my case, riley was my grades textbook and using that only looked like u just copied from the book wit no scope..hence lower mark
  19. P

    Best Economics Textbook

    y buy all 3 text books and have lots of wasted money and pages!?! 1 is fine! i didnt even use the excel shit or anything...revision and excersises...1 word...past-papers...
  20. P

    Getting past the chiche

    go see the foyer they have individual submitted works...supposed exemplar ones...hence the keyword 'supposed'