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  1. X

    Investigative Major Work

    I read somewhere that your major work is to be substantial and may be: i. imaginative ii. investigative iii. interpretive iv. analytical v. combination of above I was just wondering about points ii and iv.. I know that you can do a critical analysis but would you be allowed to do like a...
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    Physics Question Help Please

    If an electron is accelerated by the electric force across a potential difference of 2500V, how much kinetic energy will the electron gain and what will its final velocity be? Thank you!! Ohh..and working out please :haha:
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    UAI and ATAR Calculator

    UAI Calculator & ATAR Calculator New one I suppose..
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    extension count as subjects?

    Do extension courses count as a subject? Say for instance, I want to do Ext. 2 English and Ext. 2 Maths.. would ext. 1 count as a subject and ext. 2 count as another? thank you
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    trig help

    i) prove cosx-cos(x+2theta) all over 2sintheta = sin(x+theta) ii) using 2cos^2 x = 1 +cos2x prove 8cox^4 x=3+4cos2x+cos4x thank you
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    Prelim Engineering Studies Study Guides?

    Are there any like the excel type ones but for prelim? Thanks
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    1st negative speaker

    how would you structure a 1st negative speaker in a debate?
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    is the defence on the left or the right in the district court? or is there no difference
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    Do all schools offer every level of English?

    Do all schools offer every level of English? ESL Standard Advanced Ext. 1 Ext. 2 Yes or No
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    Valkyrie anyone?

    Anyone watch it? Watched it today and thought it was just average..(6 1/2 / 10) Although I thought Tom Cruise's portrayal of the Colonel was really well done.. Thoughts?
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    Language Course Eligibility

    Couldnt' really find a place to put this in the language forum.. How do you know if you are continuers or background? Can anyone show me the rules that state so please? Thanks Also, is it possible to do a continuers course if you havent done the Year 9/10 course?
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    4 Trig Eq. Q's

    i) Solve 2cos3x = -1 for -90 <_ x <_ 90 ii) tan x/2 = -2.6 for -360 <_ x <_360 iii) 4cos2x = 3sin2x for x <_ x <_ 180 iv) Solve 4cos^2 x = 3 for 0 <_ x <_ 360 Thanks Working too please
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    Simple Trig Equations Help

    Solve the following trig equations. i and ii are equal to or greater than (<_ = equal to or greater than) i) 2sinx - root3 = 0 for x <_ 0 <_ 360 ii) root3 tanx + 1 for -360<_ x <_ 360 iii) 2cosx = - root3 for -180 x < x < 180 _______________________________ Solve for -180 <_ x <_ 180...
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    Results of SC Exam..?

    do we get them separate or do they come just as an overall band which includes your school marks?
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    The Short Answer Section - English

    There was this question at the end or close to it in the English Short Answer about the optomestrist question and what was so humerous about it? What was the answer to it? I remember the answers were a) forgot b) forgot c) EWE is in capital d) coffee stains represent eye glasses...
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    Positive Impacts of John Howard

    Positive Impacts of John Howard are? And also a brief outline
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    Science Help ~

    I have a shrewd idea and my textbook isnt helping that much! i) Whathappens to the current ina circuit if more lamps are added in series? ii) What happens to the current if more amps are added in parallel? iii) What are the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel circuis...
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    TVET Help Please

    The scenario: (If I stay at current school) I've elected to do a TVET course at Ultimo which runs from 1:30-5:30 Tuesday. Now the school accomoadates TVET by placing the Tuesday afternoon period vacant. BUT, it would take me about 45minutes from school to Tafe so that would mean I would have to...
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    I need help =]=]

    Okay. The scenario: (If I stay at current school) I've elected to do a TVET course at Ultimo which runs from 1:30-5:30 Tuesday. Now the school accomoadates TVET by placing the Tuesday afternoon period vacant. BUT, it would take me about 45minutes from school to Tafe so that would mean I...
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    Conservatorium HS for Year 11 09 ?

    Anyone going or plannig to?