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  1. X

    year 10 formal we're coming up to formals.. and all i wanted to ask was whether you will be taking a partner ?
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    ICAS Writing

    Okay. Who got their results back ?
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    maths help ~

    Okay. I've forgotton how to do this one... i) The average of 8 numbers is 15. When a 9th number is added, the average becomes 12. What is the 9th number. And now for something a little harder.. ii)Write an expression for n (1+ 1/2)(1+ 1/3)(1+ 1/4)...(1+ 1/n) iii) A semicircle with...
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    log help

    solve for x: i) log base 5 (1/x) = 1/2 ii )log base 2 64 = x +2 iii)log base a (x+5) - log base a (x-3) = 2 for ii) i get 2^(x+2) = 64 x= 4 but that was from just trial and error.. is there another way ?
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    Maths Help ~

    Solve: i) x^4 + 5x^2 - 36 = 0 ii) 2x + 9rootx = 5 iii) 1/t^2 + 8/t + 15 = 0 thanks.. working would be appreciated !
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    sam help

    where can i change th subjects i want to do for sam ? ive looked in many places but cant seem to find anything that allows me to edit.. thanks..
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    treaty - migration

    Are there any treaties or agreements that Australia and countries from which migrants originate from ?
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    Enrollments for year 12 ?

    do any selective schools offer placements for year 12 students ?
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    is 4unit harder than IB maths higher?

    for all u guys who want o do ext. 1 then ext. u guys know whether ext. 2 maths is harder than ib maths higher ?
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    tvet subject selection help

    simple question.. can a school not allow you from doing a TVET course ?
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    Year 11

    What exactly is year 11 ? It doesn't count towards our HSC or anything.. I've heard it's just like a foundation year, hence prelim. Do internal ranks matter in 11 ?
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    which scales better?

    which scales better? german beginners or economics
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    uai help

    If I plan to go on with my current choices in mind for the HSC; Ext. 2 English Ext. 2 Maths Physics Legal Studies But, I choose to do Ext. 1 Mathematics instead of Ext. 2, how is my UAI calculated then if the worst UAI contributor is Physics?? Ext. 2 English = 4units Ext. 1 Maths = 3units...
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    y=ax^3 + d

    the grapih that is set out in y = ax^3 + d How do you find the equation for this for this graph? Say, y-intercept is 10 and a point is (2,20) ?
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    QANTAS to cut 1500 + 1200 jobs !!,23636,24039004-462,00.html WORRIED Qantas and Jetstar workers are waiting to hear exactly where the job axe will fall after the carrier said today it would dump 1500 staff and scrap plans to take on another 1200 workers. The Australian Services Union...
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    help me please

    how come when i play with my genetilia, white stuff comes out!! im scared :rofl:
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    Computers for Year 10 ??

    Remember the 'promise' from Rudd about the computers? Do you think us year 10ers will get one or whatever the policy encompasses allow us to at least use one ?? anyone have any info from teachers ?? one of my teachers said that we would be out of school by then..
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    List of things that make a CV look good

    Just wanted to know what makes a CV stand out apart from just the normal stuff u put in like education background.. what i mean by that is like i did the duke of edin. << so that kind..what else?? community service?
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    Unit Help

    Okay. so for year 12 you need to do 10 units with at least 4 subjects ? so if i do 12 units for the HSC and i do very badly but still pass in one of my subjects..say physics..then that doesnt get counted in my hsc? but i still get a certificate saying that i passed phsyics?
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    funny debates

    i was an audience to a debate the other day and the third speaker was quite funny. "Chairperson, opposition, ladies and gentlemen. The affirmative team have led you down a dark, narrow windy path without no torch. WE ARE THE LIGHT" post your own or ones that you've heard'